We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v24.12 (build 148) is now available.
This is a maintenance release that builds upon the previous MCUXpresso IDE v24.09 release and we recommend that all existing users download and install this new version.
Installer Downloads
To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via:
Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built-in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory.
Notification of future releases
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Summary of Changes - version 24.12
- Upgraded: Newer LinkServer software (v24.12.21).
- Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v8.12a).
- Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugins (v5.9.5).
- Upgraded: Version v24.12 of MCUXpresso Config Tools.
- Feature: [LinkServer] Upgraded MCU-Link version to 3.152.
- Feature: Support for KW47, MCXW72 devices, and KW47-EVK, KW47-LOC, MCX-W72-EVK, FRDM-MCXW72, MCX-W72-LOC boards.
- Feature: Support for MCXA165, MCXA166, MCXA175, MCXA176, MCXA275, and MCXA276 devices.
- Feature: Support for MIMXRT700.
- Feature: [SDK Integration] Synchronization with SDK v24.12. Note: Only MCUXpresso IDE packages downloaded from mcuxpresso.nxp.com are supported. GitHub SDK format is currently not supported.
- Feature: [IDE] Automatic probe selection and device/board verification when using CMSIS-DAP-based probes with target information available.
- Improvement: [IDE] When importing multiple projects and no associated installed SDK is found, show only one dialog message dialog listing all projects and missing SDKs. Install MCUXpresso SDKs view can then be opened from the dialog.
- Fixed: [IDE] The SDK details associated with a project are not updated after associating other compatible SDK.
- Fixed: [IDE] Project Settings node from Project Explorer shows incorrect SDK version once associating other SDK with project.
- Fixed: [SDK Integration] Preprocessor defines might be incorrect when importing some example projects that are linked to other projects.
- Fixed: [Debug][J-Link] Restart for RAM debug does not work for some MCUs when using J-Link.
- Fixed: [Application Code Hub] Some projects might not be recognized as valid MCUXpresso IDE projects because they do not use the NXP GitHub.