We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.2.1 (build 4149) is now available.
This is a maintenance release that builds upon the previous MCUXpresso IDE v11.2.0 release, and we recommend that all existing users download and install this new version.
Installer Downloads
To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via:
Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory or downloaded from:
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Summary of Changes - version 11.2.1 - October 2020
- Upgraded: newer SEGGER J-Link software (v6.86).
- Upgraded: newer PEmicro plugin (v4.7.6).
- Upgraded: Version v8.1 of MCUXpresso Config Tools.
- Added: i.MX RT1170 B0 support.
- Added: i.MX RT1024 support.
- Added: LPC55S06 support.
- Added: K32W061 support.
- Added: MCU-Link debug probe support. MCU-Link is a new debug probe solution being developed for NXP LPC, Kinetis and i.MX RT targets.
- Feature: Auto-debug slave project(s) for multicore projects option becomes default option for multicore debug purpose (for LinkServer debug connection only). That means, in the case of multicore projects on which master project refers one or several slave projects, debug sessions will be automatically started for slave projects after initiating debug with the master project. Option is set by default on: Window -> Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> Debug Options -> LinkServer Options -> Miscellaneous -> Enable Auto-debug slave project(s) for multicore projects. If you don't want to have this feature enabled (so if you want to start debug sessions for each core independently), uncheck this option.
- Improvement: Community forum accessible now from the main toolbar too (together with the older link from Help->MCUXpresso IDE support forum). The default selection will open the community web inside the IDE. If you want to set the default browser as external browser, use Window->Preferences->General->Web browser->"Use external web browser".
- Improvement: [RT600] Clean up on RT600 flash drivers (SDK now references the new drivers):
- Add drivers for MXIC_OPI connected via FlexSPI_A port
- Add drivers for QSPI drivers (SFDP) connected via FlexSPI_B port
- Add drivers for QSPI drivers (SFDP) connected via FlexSPI_A port
- Remove MIMXRT600_SFDP_* drivers generated by the old project
- Fixed: [RT595] Cannot debug flash application with J-Link.
- Fixed: [RT500][RT600] JLink launch config default resets:
- Re-enable resets in JLink launches for RT500/RT600
- The most recent JLink versions properly handle resets for RT500 & RT600 devices.
- Fixed: [RT500] QSPI flash drivers: driver was incorrectly using QSPI DDR instead of SDR.
- Fixed: [LPC55S69] Implemented DWT (Data Watchpoint and Trace) component for ArmV8. This fixes the SWO Data trace not working issue.
- Fixed: Sometimes the linkserver semihosting console stops working.
- Fixed: 'mismatched input' warning reported for linker file.
- Fixed: Flash programming using JLink via JTAG.
- Fixed: The running environment (PC/SP) for RAM applications is now properly initialized by the debugger when using JLink/PEmicro.
- Fixed: JLink scripts needed by SDK examples are not copied correctly when installing the SDK from a folder.
- Fixed: Selection of a driver in NPW makes the Library Type and Floating Type to become empty.
- Fixed: [Dark Theme] highlighting makes text unreadable.
- Fixed: [Dark Theme] not working on Ubuntu 18.
- Fixed: [Dark Theme] Text is not visible for Blocked jobs in FreeRTOS.
- Fixed: [Dark Theme] Peripherals view - some registers have yellow background making it hard to read.
- Fixed: [Dark Theme] Line highlighting in editor makes variables text unreadable.
- Fixed: [Dark Theme] Display issue for the "Probes discovered" window on Mac.
- Fixed: [Dark Theme] Low contrast on text vs. background when a word is high-lighted by having cursor selection on it.
- Fixed: [RT5xx] Unable to Restart flash-based session on EVK Rev C1 board.
- Fixed: [LPC55xx] LinkServer debug cannot recover LPC55xx from deep sleep.
- Fixed: [LPC4337] Flash programming over JTAG not working on the M4 core.
- Fixed: [LPC845] Debug fails when SRAM is split into sub-blocks.
- Fixed: [Dark Theme] Low contrast on text vs. background when a word is high-lighted by having cursor selection on it.
- Fixed: Outline view displays empty table header when selecting an SDK.
- Fixed: Not all dependency components are linked to project when the dependency is added from Config Tools.
- Fixed: Initialize execution environment when debugging RAM target application using Segger J-Link.
- Fixed: NPE occurred while using board SDK creator and adding a flash driver.