I'm trying to debug a LPC4330 on a custom board - as asked here https://community.nxp.com/message/1258844?commentID=1258844#comment-1258844 - and what happens is that as soon as the code of Reset Handler is executed and main is called, debug connection is lost and a message "Stalled on bus" or something similar appear in the bottom left of the IDE.
The debug probe, a LPC-Link 2, do not rise any error or message but for sure connection is lost, but processor keeps working fine.
My question is: what this error means? Where can I get more info or clue?
Also, why do not rise a warning or pop up? I mean, you have to pay attention to the status bar to notice it, and it is only showed for a short time.
Could you please add a screenshot of your issue?
Hi Soledad,
yes, sorry for the delay but I had no time to work on this project.
So this message apperas on the bottom left corner of the IDE, usually when I run a debug session.
IIRC this happens when the processor is asleep (typically WFI).
are you sure? in WFI I tought the message is "Sleeping".
This "Stalled on bus operation" happens usually when I try to debug on a MCU with a program on external flash, when the PC jumps on the EXT SPIFI.
nobody knows about this message on MCUXpresso ? Maybe I posted in a wrong area ?