I am using the FRDM-K64F board. Currently, I am flashing the board using IDE.
Is there any flashing tool also available for flashing?
My question also covers the use case of a large number of uC flashing scenario.
Board Sub Family is: MK64FN1MOV
Hi @jiteshkamboj ,
If you want to program many boards even without the need for a host machine, have a look at the J-Flash from Segger (see https://mcuoneclipse.com/2016/04/02/flashing-many-arm-boards-without-a-host-pc/) or the P&E Cyclone (http://www.pemicro.com/products/product_viewDetails.cfm?product_id=15320165&productTab=7 ).
Inside the MCUXpresso IDE, I hope you have noticed the 'flash' button so you don't need to 'debug' it:
And there is as well the way to use the debug probe with a PC in batch programming mode:
I hope this helps,