Hi, I have Updated my MCUXpresso to latest version - MCUXpresso IDE v11.1.0 [Build 3209] [2019-12-12].
The issue with IDE is irritating multiple and repeated on icons on toolbar.
Please do provide a fix for this. Even though it doesn't affect the performance. It is surely irritating.
How did you update? Did you install to the same location as a previous installation? If yo did, this could be the cause of the problem. You should install to a fresh new location, not on the top of another install.
Okay, i dont remember how i did. But what should be done now?
Delete it and reinstall.
Okay! Thanks! I'll do and reply.
If still have the issue, please try to delete .metadata folder under workspace:
Thank you!
Delete with extreme prejudice - I suggest that you delete the folder and when you reinstall, put MCUXpresso in a folder with a different name.
You never know what Windows keeps around; if you want something deleted, kill it with fire.
Thanks for pointing that out. I am currently working on a project. Only after it is completed, I'll do the uninstallation and deletion, avoiding the risk factor.