I am working on the PN7462AU Eval Kit for the Contactless(CL) card & Contact(CT) card reader with "phExCcid" example.
And I need to switch OFF the RF and only need to ON the functionality for the Contact(CT) card only.
How can we switch OFF the RF functionality / field (I want to stop detecting the CL card) ?
Thanks in advance
Have you checked the phhalHw_FieldOff API ?You can see an example of its usage in the phExCcid_Clif.c file in the same example you are using.
Hope this helps.
I tried your above mentioned API "phhalHw_FieldOff", But the RF field is still ON & it detects the CL card.
I am sharing screenshot were I have placed the API for your reference, If I am wrong & then please me know from where I have to call or place the API to switch OFF the RF-Field.
I have called this function just before the CLIF function started in "phExCcid_ClifTask" function.
Looking forward for your feedback.
Thanks & Regards
Manva Trivedi
Which is the process you want to follow ? Just to understand completely what you are trying to do
is it Turn ON Field -> Detect CL card -> Turn Off field -> Detect CT card -> Repeat ?
Which is your final application ?
Which is your final application ?
-> I am using "phExCcid" example for my application. I need to switch OFF the RF and just run the CT interface only.
I need only CT operation & not CL operation. So I am looking for the deactivation RF in starting up code as you mentioned the steps.
I just want to use only CT functionality, not the CL from "phExccid" example.
Thanks & Regards
Manva Trivedi
If you are not using the RF, have you tried not calling the initialization of the device?
Hi estephania_martinez,
I already tried to do that but then after it goes to unknown state(say it hangs) and also stop detecting the CT card.
Can you please let know some another way to disable the RF field, through only CT will able to work.
Thanks & Regards
Manva Trivedi
But if you are not using the RF, is there a specific reason why you are using that example ? You can check the PN7462AU_ex_phExCt and this might be easier for you to use and have the CT interface.
Hi estephania_martinez,
I have gone through your suggested Example - "PN7462AU_ex_phExCt ", which for the simple polling for contact cards and the only difference is that they used transaction static predefined packets.
And they didn't used any read & Write functionality into it, Like in the "phExCcid" example.
Even I have also gone through another example - "PN7462AU_ex_ phExCT7816", which is same nearly, Which is not support to my application.
I have to use SAM card for the my operation(RD/WR) with "phExccid" example.
That why I am using the "phExccid"-example for the application development.
So, Can you please share me the another way to switch OFF the RF field in "phExccid"-Example or if can share me any Function or API through which I can switch of the Field properly.
Best Regards
Maybe you can try the stand by mode, please help me check this post to verify if this helps you