Hello !
I have project what is exported as standalone sample from WEB SDK for Kinetis Design Studio and everything work fine.
I would like to use Config tool with this project and start to do own changes.
But I can't create new configuration from that project.
What can be wrong ?
May be Config tool is not supports design studio ?
Screenshot is attached.
Hi Carlos !
I need one more advice.
Can I start working with K81 public part by using K82 Tools configurations and SDK in MCUXpresso and KDS ?
And after that when everything will be ready, I attach manually DryIce driver and required code ?
Or exists some differences what make this way of doing is more complicate and not so straight forward ?
Do you really have new SDK for MCUexpresso v2.3.1 and KDS what are support K81 ?
Hi Eugene,
Apologies for the delay.
Hope it helps!
Best Regards,
Carlos Mendoza
Technical Support Engineer
Hi Carlos !
I have started implementation by using latest MCUExpresso and SDK for K82.
Could you confirm if it will be not wasted effort from my side.
I expect that NXP have SDK for K81 and MCUExpresso and it is not require big effort for migrate.
Via Config tools it will be possible to configure K82 subset of K81 and tamper part can be added manually.
Is this so ?
Or what latest toolset you recommend for K81 design ?
Thank you !
Hello !
What about K81 support in MCUXpresso Config Tools v4.0 ? Does it supported natively or only K82 part of it ?
Hi Eugene,
The K81 device is still not directly supported by the MCUXpresso Config Tools v4.0.
Hope it helps!
Best Regards,
Carlos Mendoza
Technical Support Engineer
Hi Eugene,
The new MCUXpresso Config Tools does not support KDS, I would reccomend that you use MCUXpresso IDE which has superseded the old KDS IDE product. MCUXpresso IDE comes with direct support for the Config Tools withouth the need of a plugin:
Hope it helps!
Best Regards,
Carlos Mendoza
Technical Support Engineer