Generator Update 12.27

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Generator Update 12.27

Generator Update 12.27

New features update:

  • SDKGEN-713 Change the overall logger level to warn

We have changed the logger level from "ERROR" to "WARN". In this way, warnings will be shown in your screen so that you can easily get them and make the necessary code changes if needed.

Here are one snapshot:

 Untitled picture.png

  • SDKGEN-683 Reimplement production true in stage1 and stage2

Previously we disabled the production mode in stage1 and stage2 to compromise to the great amount of yml record errors. Through REL9, we have almost fixed these errors. So the production mode for stage1 and stage2 is back.

If you are not familiar with this production mode, you can find detailed description in SDK Generator Introduction and Briefly, when production mode is enabled, any "ERROR" will break down the generation process. This mode is usually used for formal deployment.

From release config yml, you can set "production: true" to enable it in all stages, for more details, please refer to How to configure release_config

From batch, you can set "--production" to enable it in stage1 and stage2, later stages cannot get production from batch for now, for more details, please refer to SDK Generator Introduction and

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Version history
Last update:
‎12-27-2018 01:23 AM
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