I'm new to VisionSDK_S32V2xx_RTM_1_1_1. I have installed the sdk (VisionSDK_S32V2xx_RTM_1_1_1) on Linux and want to play with it. I've an NXP evaluation board as well. I'm basically trying to write a very simple "hello-world" program which uses APEX cores. I've no idea how and where to start with. Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks Paul. I will work on your comments and let you know in case of any issues.
Hi begsy,
You can find the vsdk documentation in C:\NXP\VisionSDK_S32V2xx_RTM_1_1_1\s32v234_sdk\docs\ folder.
You can start with:
You can find info about APEX programming in the docs\apex folder.