Hi, I have the DPDK driver running on the LS1043A. is there a way to debug the application via CodeWarrior? I would like to step through the code and understand how the DPAA driver works.
why don't you use gdb for debugging?
you can use gdbserver and gdb client for line by line debugging.
Okay will try that. Thanks
After installing CodeWarrior for ARMv8, you could refer to section "8.2 Linux application debug" in document C:\Freescale\CW4NET_v2020.06\CW_ARMv8\ARMv8\Help\PDF\ARMv8_Targeting_Manual.pdf.
Thank you. I went through the manual, that talks about setting up a remote connection. But the board is connected via CodeWarrior TAP as USB serial port and not an IP address. What is to be done in that case?
In Linux application debugging, CodeWarrior TAP is not used, Ethernet is used to connect the host PC and the target board.
Okay thanks for the reply. How do I set up the ethernet connection between the board and my PC? I tried looking for it in the CodeWarrior guide, but didnt find any instructions
Please refer to the section " Updating remote connection" in the document.
Please click Run->Debug Configuration->C/C++ Remote Application->Edit
Please specify the IP address of the Linux target board, specify the user name and password to login in the target board.
Thank you. I dont know how to set up the IP address for the LS1043A board. That is what I want to ask
You could configure IP address on LS1043ARDB as the following
ifconfig fm1-mac1
Then try whether you could use ssh to access the target board, with the user name and password specified in CodeWarrior IDE.
I tried that and am getting the following error:
I tried to ssh into the IP address but it gave a connection timeout error.
Which version SDK/LSDK are you using on the target board?
How do you boot up the target board? Would you please provide the whole console log booting up the target board?
I am using LSDK 2004. I am booting the board with an SD card that has the LSDK 2004 version
I am attaching screenshots of the boot log.
In USDPAA dts file fsl-ls1043a-rdb-usdpaa.dts, all Ethernet ports have been assigned to DPDK, you need to delete one Ethernet port definition in the dts file to assign it to Linux Kernel.
fsl,dpaa {
compatible = "fsl,ls1043a", "fsl,dpaa", "simple-bus";
/* ethernet@0 {
compatible = "fsl,dpa-ethernet-init";
fsl,bman-buffer-pools = <&bp7 &bp8 &bp9>;
fsl,qman-frame-queues-rx = <0x50 1 0x51 1>;
fsl,qman-frame-queues-tx = <0x70 1 0x71 1>;
... ...