The reference material for the LS1043A RBD (first link below) refers to the use of a Linux Kernel version of 3.19, but the only repo I can find uses 2.6 (second link below). I cloned the repo given in the second link and found a series of branches, but none are 3.19 as documented. Further, the documentation for building a Yocto image assumes you already have what you need.
I can pull the Yocto "Daisy" 1.6.1 from their website, but what about the NXP BSP files?
Also, the documentation talks about a series of scripts, like fsl-setup-poky and that should also be available. Is there a central location that you first pull from before building?
EDIT: I eventually found the community BSP repo (third link), but the supported processor list does not include the LS1043A. The supported list is provided as an attachment to this thread.
There are some BSP packages available for Freescale on the Yocto website (fourth link), but the LS1043A is not one of the supported packages.
Also, the reference material references an ISO that I should have access to. Any idea where to find this?
linux-2.6-imx.git - Freescale i.MX Linux Tree
GitHub - Freescale/fsl-community-bsp-platform: BSP platform manifest
Original Attachment has been moved to:
Thank you, Pavel! After following your link I observed there to be two cache downloads available:
The "BE" cache variant is 300MB larger. What are the differences between the two images?
There is also the following, which seems self explanatory.
But what is this? I am currently downloading it, so I may answer my own question once it is finished.
LS1043A v0.5 ARM IMAGE
Install LS1043A SDK v0.5 AARCH64 BE CACHE, install LS1043A SDK v0.5 AARCH64 CACHE
and after that install LS1043A SDK v0.5 SOURCE.
Have a great day,
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Hello ,
I have downloaded the Linux-LS1043A-SDK-V0.5-SOURCE-20151223-yoctofor LS1043A RDB board.
Do we need to use even CACHE images also? What is the procedure to install CACHE and Linux-LS1043A-SDK-V0.5-SOURCE-20151223-yocto.iso files together.
What is the purpose of CAHCE ISO file?
Hello Soujanya.
From QorIQ SDK Documentation :
- The source ISO contains the package source tarballs and yocto recipes. It can be installed and used to do non-cache build.
- The cache ISO contains the pre-built cache binaries. To avoid a long time build, you can install the source ISO and the cache ISO in the same installation folder.
- The image ISO includes all prebuilt images: flash images, standalone toolchain installer, HD rootfs images and small images.
Have a great day,
Look at SDK Linux BSP for LS1043A on the following page:
Use the following command sequence for this SDK using under Ubuntu 12 or 14:
Message: /bin/sh -> dash
b) command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
Answer after password – No
Removing 'diversion of /bin/sh to /bin/sh.distrib by dash'
Adding 'diversion of /bin/sh to /bin/sh.distrib by bash'
Removing 'diversion of /usr/share/man/man1/sh.1.gz to /usr/share/man/man1/sh.distrib.1.gz by dash'
Adding 'diversion of /usr/share/man/man1/sh.1.gz to /usr/share/man/man1/sh.distrib.1.gz by bash'
c) command for checking: ls -l /bin/sh
Message: /bin/sh -> bash
Have a great day,
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