We used the FRWY-LS1012A Development board for the project, and found the corresponding Development and compilation environment for ‘’CodeWarrior Development Suites for Networked Applications v11.4.0‘’ on the official website
However, the corresponding instructions for construction, compilation, download and debugging have not been found, and there is no final word on whether FRWY-LS1012A is supported in the version release instructions inside. Please help to provide the operation instruction manual of V11.4.0, thank you
目前我们正在用FRDM-LS1012A做项目开发,怎么用codewarrior软件加载编译生成的目标码,按照V11.4.0版本对应的指导文档未涉及固件加载这一块,按照您之前的回复我找到了 CodeWarrior Development Studio for QorIQ LS series - ARM V8 ISA, Targeting Manual.这个文档里面的指导进行操作时文档中的一些界面图片指导和V11.4.0codewarrior界面中出现了不一样的情况无法进行继续操作,目前报了以下错误:
(gdb) source ../../gdb_extensions/flash/cwflash.py
Starting flash programmer services...
Starting local server...
Successfully started gdb server
Set gdb remote timeout to 120
Connecting to target...
Using LS1012A SoC
Using CWTAP connected to local usb port
Using jtag speed 16000
Connecting to probe...
connected successfully
Successfully connected to probe
Initializing target...
Running init script c:\freescale\cw4net_v2019.01\cw_armv8\armv8\gdb_extensions\flash\scripts/../../../../Config/boards/LS1012A_QDS_init.py
PBL phase completed with error 'No preamble is detected'
Error: fail to initialize target
Closing debugger server...
Error: fail to start flash programming services.
是否能提供 CodeWarrior Development Suites for Networked Applications v11.4.0这个软件版本对应的指导说明?
I want to know whether codewarrior only compile, debug not download function, with the environment generated by the target code how to get on the board? Please provide guidance if possible.
The question is not clear - please restate.
I want to use codewarrior software to download the firmware, please help to provide instructions, whether there is an offline download.
What do you mean under "download the firmware" and "offline download"?
‘’Download firmware‘’ refers to the codewarrior compiler generated by the target code copy to the board, ‘’offline download‘’ is no C code directly download firmware.
Requested CodeWarrior functionality does not depend on the Test Access Port being used (CodeWarrior TAP or CMSIS-DAP) and is described in the CodeWarrior Development Studio for QorIQ LS series - ARM V8 ISA, Targeting Manual.
What does it mean that you can't load binaries onto the board with codewarrior?
> What does it mean that you can't load binaries onto the board with codewarrior?
Where exactly this is stated in the CodeWarrior documentation?
什么意思,通过codewarrior 不能加载二进制文件到板子上?
Release Notes for the CodeWarrior for QorIQ LS Series, ARMv8 ISA v11.4.0 can be downloaded from the same page -
I've attached the document for your reference - see 4.1 Device Support Matrix.
The CodeWarrior Development Studio for QorIQ LS series - ARM V8 ISA, Targeting Manual is installed with the CodeWarrior and can be found in the folder: CW_ARMv8\ARMv8\Help\PDF\ARMv8_Targeting_Manual.pdf
From the document, we can see that there is a J11 port to debug LS1012A. Can we debug through this port instead of the emulator? If so, please kindly provide the document description
J11 provides CMSIS-DAP debug support.
The CMSIS Debug Access Port (CMSIS-DAP) can be selected during CodeWarrior Target Connection Configuration - refer to the CodeWarrior Development Studio for QorIQ LS series - ARM V8 ISA, Targeting Manual.