Refer to the guide"Use CodeWarrior for ARMv8 to Debug U-boot and Linux Kernel and Bring up
Bare Boards ",we want to flash our bare board without changing the hardcode RCW, but fail,the fail log as flow:
Memory access failed.
Additional error details:
[Failed to write memory at address 0x2016002c on core CortexA53#0.
Core CortexA53#0 not found on the JTAG chain. Please verify that the Reset Configuration Word is correct, or enable RCW Override in the initialization file.]
the script config as flow:
TA.rcw.set_source(0x9E);(determined by the board config-->SYSCLK = 100 MHz, single-ended)
the code warrior version is:Version: 11.5.0
Build Id: 200629GA
you have to review the settings into the RCW initialization file, use the reference manual to check the values used for hard-coded RCW " Hard-coded RCW options", also please review the steps, in the "CodeWarrior Development Studio for
QorIQ LS series - ARM V8 ISA, Targeting Manual", to override RCW through JTAG.
please take a note that " If a hard-coded RCW option is used, the user should not enable the core and the DDR controllers. The user may enable the core and DDR controllers after a valid RCW is restored."
I've done what is in the guidebook and it still doesn't work;