Hello ,
I am using NHS3100 and I am trying to combine the app_demo_dp_tlogger and app_example_dp_I2C but I am getting error as region `Flash_00' overflowed by 400 bytes app_example_dp_i2c . I have read the blogs and implemented compression (Optimization for size (-OS) ). What can be the error?
I am attaching my code.
Original Attachment has been moved to: app_example_dp_i2c.rar
You can reduce the size further if you also optimize the builds for the chip and board library.
If you set all three projects to "optimize for Debug" - lib_chip_nss, lib_borad_dp and app_example_dp_i2c, than the resulting image will end up at 29kB. With that build, debugging using the C code is still possible, which is a nice plus.
An easy way to save more space in debug builds is to disable the storage compression feature for debug builds only: surround the macro's STORAGE_COMPRESS_CB and STORAGE_DECOMPRESS_CB as below:
#ifndef DEBUG
#define STORAGE_COMPRESS_CB App_CompressCb
#define STORAGE_DECOMPRESS_CB App_DecompressCb
Hello Dries,
I have implemented your suggestions and now I am not getting code size error but the nfc is not functional as well. Can you please my code at your end if you are getting temp readings in .cst file through app. Also to deal with this challenge I tried to add I2C code to app_demo_tlogger code.
I didn't get any error untill I put this in main after Init function:
Now I am getting make file error as follows:
Description Resource Path Location Type
make: *** [app_demo_dp_tlogger.axf] Error 1 app_demo_dp_tlogger C/C++ Problem
I am also not sure to edit the variable in app_sel.h
#define TMEAS_CB Slave_UpdateSlave1Memory
#define TMEAS_CB App_TmeasCb
Which variable should I edit as both are same?
Here is link to my code Dropbox - app_demo_dp_tlogger.zip
Hi, somehow missed your reply. Can you give an update? Is all running fine now? Is there anything we can still help with?