Content originally posted in LPCWare by caprock on Sun Apr 29 10:30:31 MST 2012
atomicdog & CodeRedSupport for the ideas, but perhaps the files are created incorrectly to begin with.
Yes, the correct terminology is [B]Common Source Lookup[/B], not Common Code Lookup.
I have created V4 Static Libraries, but to date, are specific to an MPU class; 11xx,13xx,17xx. Also tried to create the linked resource but can't seem to link, or compile with an external 'main' file.
The bottom line is that I believe the CodeRed/Eclipse platform is capable of the following variations, but I can't seem to simplify the process.
What I am trying to accomplish is:
Y = Target MPU class (LPC11xx, LPC13xx, LPC17xx)
sourceLib + targetMpu_1Yxx ==> libFoo_1Yxx.a
In this case, the sourceLib is common to all builds, so results in three different libraries.
Then I want to combine the libFoo_1Yxx to create executable demonstration files that can be targeted to several different development boards; ie: LPCXpresso (3), RDB1768, MBED.
demoSource + targetSrc + targetMpu_1Yxx + devBoard + libFoo_1Yxx.a ==> demo_1Yxx.axf
Where targetSrc are 0 or more supporting source/inc for this specific MPU
This currently expands to five different executables.
With this requirement, what is the best approach to create/build? :confused: