Debugging LPC11xxLV parts

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Debugging LPC11xxLV parts

Senior Contributor I

What is special about LPC11xxLV ?

The NXP LPC11xxLV parts are Cortex-M0 based MCUs with Low-Voltage Input (1.65 V to 1.95 V). This low voltage input means that special debug support is required within the tools and debug probe. The IO pads of these parts are NOT 3.3V tolerant and it is therefore fairly easy to damage the parts by applying over voltage to pads.

For more information on the LPC11xxLV, please visit LPC1100 32-bit MCUs|ARM Cortex-M0+/M0 Cores|NXP

What debug probes can I use ?

Although you can develop code for LPC11xxLV parts using any version of LPCXpresso 6, debugging of LPC11xxLV parts can only be carried out using Red Probe+ or LPC-Link2.

If you try to debug using LPC-Link, you will see an error similar to the one below telling you that no suitable debug adapter can be found:

Debug probe not supported with this target


LPC-Link (HID) does not support NXP LPC1101LV (cortex-m0)

This is because LPC-Link does not support the necessary low voltage operation.

Special Precautions when debugging

  • Make sure that you ALWAYS disconnect the USB cable from the debug probe before physically connecting it to an LPC11xxLV board. This is particularly important if you have previously connected your debug probe to another board previosuly (and on Red Probe+ if the "Target" LED is illuminated). Failure to do this risks destroying your LPC11xxLV part as the probe may apply an incorrect voltage.

  • Make sure that when you are going to debug an LPC11xxLV part, the project that you are going to debug is definitely configured for the correct part. Trying to start a debug connection to a LPC11xxLV part with a project configured for a standard LPC11xx part (for example) risks destroying your LPC11xxLV part as the probe will apply an incorrect voltage.
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