i am suraj
i am working on lpc54628 development board, is debugging possible without using the lpc4322 ic which is meant for debugger in lpc54628 development board. please post the comment as soon as possible and do tell me connecting the programmer through jtag pins in the corresponding pins in gpio of lpc54628, is it possible to dump the code directly to the lpc54628 main ic and perform our required operation.
with regards
Hi, Suraj,
Of course, it is okay not to use the LPC4322 for the lpc54628 target board, you can connect the SWD device to download and debug code.
you can connect the SWD signals to a 10 pins mail connector, you can use LPC-link2, or J-Link devices to download code and debug with Keil or MCUXpresso, IAR tools.
I copy the main connection from data sheet of LPC54628.
Hope it can help you
This is lpc-link2 board link:
The J-Link device is from third party segger.
XiangJun Rong
can i connect directly the jtag pins to the gpio pins of the lpc54628 chip, is the muxed pins of gpio for swd is only for the swd connection or for both and so swd only has three and swd has five. please help me as soon as possible.
with regards
Hi, Suraj,
Pls refer to the Chapter 49: LPC546xx Serial Wire Debug (SWD) in UM10912.pdf, the SWD interface is used to download/debug, the JTAG interface is used only for boundary scan function for LPC546xx family.
I copy it from UM10912.pdf.
In conclusion, You have to connect the SWD signals to connector.
Hope it can help you
XiangJun Rong
how to find the interface between two ics lets say the interface between lpc4322 and lpc54628
how can we see that. and what is the interface that will be present between lpc4322 and usb
it is flexcomm 0 uart or someother thing.
with regards
Hi, Suraj,
For the LPC4322 and LPC54628 connection, you have attached the LPC546xx-540xx_Dev_brd_schematics_Rev-F_180708.pdf, pls refer to the sheet 11,12 and 13, the three sheets gives the connection.
In short the LPC4322 converts USB commands to SWD signal timing for LPC54628 so that you can debug the LPC54628. BTW, the uart0 of LPC4322 is connected to uart0 of LPC54628, so the USB of LPC4322 is a composite USB protocol which has CDC.
Pls download UM11035.pdf from the link:
Hope it can help you
XiangJun Rong
thank you for your help it helped me a lot.
with regards