Except residing in ROM ,,how usbdromstack is different from device stack part of nxpusblib?
what benefits i get by using usbdromstack instead of nxpusblib,, excluding space and speed.
i mean code wise any new features available ?
i need to implement a custom class driver( for usb device controller) .
for this i am in dilemma ,weather to select open source nxpusblib or closed usbromstack.
( i assume there is no much changes b/w device stack part of nxpusblib and usbromstac
so want to go for nxpusblib as it is open.--- is this fine ??).
Any suggestions will be helpful.
Hi Sudheer,
The main differences between LPCUSBlib and USBD are these:
- USBD is the library equivalent to the USB ROM driver for most current MCUs.
- Since USBD is essentially the USB ROM driver, the source code is not publicly available.
- The LPCUSBlib device stack is an older USB stack that we no longer support in LPCOpen but has the source code available.
As far as I know, the two USB stacks are very similar in what they support but ultimately unless you need to make modifications to the library source, I would advise you to use the USBD library
Hope it helps!
Best Regards,
Carlos Mendoza
Technical Support Engineer