I want to put code in uC LPC55S14jbd100e using development board LPC55S16. I saw that I need to use SWD pins for that, but I don't know what I need to connect. I have already seen that I have to put a jumper between pins 2 and 3 on JP8, and put one more jumper on JP7. When I try to debug code, the first time one link appears there, but after that, an error occurs. Could you explain to me what I need to connect ? Is it possible to put code on uC using a development board, with SWD pins ?
It is possible to flash the LPC55S16 in the LPC55S16-EVK via SWD.
I just have one question, are you making a swap between the LPC55S16 of the EVK and the LPC55S14JBD100E?
Best regards, Daniel.
Thank you, I manage to put a code on my controller using the development environment.
Now, I have a problem with the delay function. I only have an internal oscillator from the uC. I set the internal oscillator 12MHz on peripherals, but I don't know what I have to set on the main code. Could you write me a part of the code for this function ?
Best regards,
You can use the available timer examples in the SDK (available in here) to create a delay function.
I'm dropping you some links that might help you:
I hope this helps, Daniel.