I want to program a flash page of the LPC824 in 16 blocks of 4 bytes. The blocks are consecutive, so I only program erased bytes. How does this count towards the flash endurance cycles? Is it only the single erase that counts? Or does each and every program action also count as a cycle?
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Remco Poelstra
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Hi Remco Poelstra,
Thank you for your interest in NXP Semiconductor products and for the opportunity to serve you.
1) How does this count towards the flash endurance cycles?
To program these consecutive blocks, I'd like to suggest you to use the IAP command-Copy RAM to flash command to achieve it and it counts one cycle.
Hope it helps.
Have a great day,
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Hi Remco Poelstra,
Thank you for your interest in NXP Semiconductor products and for the opportunity to serve you.
1) How does this count towards the flash endurance cycles?
To program these consecutive blocks, I'd like to suggest you to use the IAP command-Copy RAM to flash command to achieve it and it counts one cycle.
Hope it helps.
Have a great day,
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