USB Host questions for 1788

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USB Host questions for 1788

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by tjoAG on Tue Sep 18 01:25:03 MST 2012
Hi All

I'm trying to get USB Host to work on my LPC1788. I'm using port 2 as host.

I use the USBHost lite sample from NXP

What I have changed:

The port pin setup to use the USB port 2
The base address to match the lpc1788 mem map. (0x2000 0000)
Added Port 2 stuff to the IRQ handler (LPC_USB->RhPortStatus2 control etc.)

What do work:

When I insert an USB stick, the IRQ get called and handle interrupt for port 2
The HOST_RhscIntr get set and the Host_EnumDev function continue.
The RhPortStatus2 get reset
The Host_ProcessTD gets called.

The OHCI port status registers seems to contain the right flags when the USB device is inserted. Speed, device type etc.

What does not work:

When I try to get the the host descriptor( Host_ProcessTD) I do get an error.
The transfer do happen and I get a new interrupt where the HOST_TDControlStatus ( TDHead->Control )is set. Bit 28-31 has the value of 5. But in the USBLite code it should be 0. The Host_ProcessTD returns ERR_TD_FAIL because of this.

Do any one know where I can see the description for the HostController Transfer Descriptor structure used in the code? What does the flags mean?

Also, when processing a transfer descriptor, how does the LPC1788 know which USB port to use? I only have port 2, but I can't see anywhere in the USBLite sample, where that is specified when doing USB transfers?

USB clock is 48 MHz


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Daniel Widyanto on Thu Sep 27 03:24:31 MST 2012
Hi there,

I hope I can help you a bit.

The OHCI for LPC1788's USB host is as described in In that document, you will find the TD's decription and all of the OHCI registers and usage.

For USB port selection, there's 2 parts. The first one is selecting USB2 as host. This is done in OTGStCtrl. The second one is when reading the root hub status, you need to read from HcRhPortStatus[1] instead of HcRhPortStatus[0]

I did some demo code with USB host lite to move the USB host to USB2 in LPC2478 last time, but I don't think I can remember all of the things that I modified.

Just reply this thread if you need more info. Maybe I can help

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