We developed a USB data acquisition equipment with LPC4370, the product works well on Windows, and now we'd like to migrate it to MAC OSX. The first problem is the USB data exchange between LPC4370 and MAC OSX, do we need a specific driver for USB CDC on MAC OSX?
Is there any example of USB application on MAC OSX using LPC?
If you have an LPC4370 based system which creates a USB CDC connection to the outside world, then if you connect this to the USB port on a Mac, then Mac OS X should automatically detect the USB CDC connection using its built in drivers. The simplest way to see what is available is to open a terminal and enter "ls /dev/tty.usb* which should give you a list of USB virtual serial ports. You can then use the built in "screen" terminal (or something like CoolTerm) to talk to it.
To access it via anything other than a terminal program, you will then need to use the standard OS APIs. Lots more info if you use your favourite internet search engine - for example : Mac OS X Drivers for CH340 / CH341 / PL2303 USB to RS-232 Devices
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