I want to avoid mount the FT230XS chip in the final design. Can I program the JN5179 Flash via JTAG (with LPC-Link2)?
Thank you,
Can you tell me how JN5179 is going into programming mode? I follow the instructions of the technician SPIMIMO-> GND,RESET-GND,VDD->3.3V still can not recognize the JN5179 device. Thank you.
Hi Wu Pengfei.
Be sure the next two points
1 The JN517x will enter UART programming mode if SPIMISO (DO1) pin 24 is low after RESET.
2 The JN517x will enter JTAG programming mode if SPICLK (DO0) pin 23 is low after RESET.
Note: The DO0 must be left floating high during reset to avoid entering JTAG programming mode
Hello Sir,
I am also facing the issue in Programming.
When I make DO1 to low by shorting it to the GND then LPCexpresso not able to detect even JN5179 IC.
Also even after programming connection it is get heated as well.
We have used the DO1/SPIMISO pin to the external flash as MISO and for Boot to put the controller in programming mode.
Let me your suggestion to make it in programming mode and resolve the issue.
Mahammadirfan Saiyed
When I make DO1 to low by shorting it to the GND then LPCexpresso not able to detect even JN5179 IC.
Try to let the pin floating when you try to program the device.
Note: The JN5179 is not recommended for the new designs and it is nor supported. I recommend the JN5189 instead.
Hi Fernando,
Yes. You can program the JN5179 Flash via JTAG (with LPC LINK2).
Please see the JN517x LPCXpresso Installation and User Guide
2.3 Loading an Application into a JN517x Device
Best Regards,
Thank you Mario for the response. I'm going to review that document.
Best Regards,