Content originally posted in LPCWare by Lea on Sat Feb 13 02:29:55 MST 2016
When I flash new firmware under use of the primary CANopen bootloader I send over CAN
1. SDO Execution Address (Index: 0x5070) and after that
2. SDO Program Control (Index: 0x1F51, value = 0x01)
When the primary bootloader is running the start of the new firmware only is done when I set PI0_1 = low before call
But this is not really what I want. In most cases it is not possible to change the state of this pin, when the device is installed.
Is there a way to do this without change the status of PI0_1?
Supplement: After a reinvoke to start the primary bootloader from user app again, it' not possible to start the firmware with step 1 and 2.
Only a hardware reset let start the new firmware.