Content originally posted in LPCWare by JohnR on Tue Mar 18 09:32:42 MST 2014
I think there might some errors in board.c for the lpc_board_nxp_lpclink2_4370 package
In Board_SSP_Init(LPC_SSP_T *pSSP)
[codeelse if (pSSP == LPC_SSP1) {
/* Set up clock and muxing for SSP1 interface */
/* P1.19 connected to SCL/SCLKSCU_MODE_FUNC1=SSP1 SCK1 */
Chip_SCU_PinMuxSet(0xF, 4, (SCU_PINIO_FAST | SCU_MODE_FUNC1)); // was (0x1, 19,
///* P1.20 connected to nCSSCU_MODE_FUNC1=SSP1 SSEL1 */
//Chip_SCU_PinMuxSet(0x1, 20, (SCU_PINIO_FAST | SCU_MODE_FUNC1));
/* P0.0 connected to SOSCU_MODE_FUNC1=SSP1 MISO1 */
Chip_SCU_PinMuxSet(0x1, 3, (SCU_MODE_INACT | SCU_MODE_INBUFF_EN | SCU_MODE_ZIF_DIS | SCU_MODE_FUNC1)); // was 0x0, 0,
/* P0.1 connected to nSISCU_MODE_FUNC2=SSP1 MOSI1 */
Chip_SCU_PinMuxSet(0x1, 4, (SCU_MODE_INACT | SCU_MODE_INBUFF_EN | SCU_MODE_ZIF_DIS | SCU_MODE_FUNC1)); // was 0x0, 1
I think the original values maybe are for the Hitex boards not the Link 2 card?
The chip select is set to a regular output configuration.