Content originally posted in LPCWare by bilgehanparay on Tue Feb 24 01:46:25 MST 2015
I want to assign two interrupts, rising and falling edge, to one pin. The manual says:
"Edge-sensitive interrupt pins can interrupt on rising or falling edges or both." (UM10601.pdf)
Continuing to read the manual, I see different registers enable rising and falling edge interrupts. (IENR, IENF,SETENRL,SIENF etc.). So I can(?) enable both of them and have different IRQs in my code for each interrupt source.(right ?)
I don't have the mcu so I can't try and see it but I have to make a design choice based on this. Any help is appreciated.
LPC812M101JDH20FP is the mcu I'm planning to use.