We found a memory leak inside the port for lwIP. Inside the function "ethernetif_enet_init" in file "enet_ethernetif_lpc.c" there is an event group for FreeRTOS allocated. In our system, when there is no server to connect to available, we had to remove and add the network device again. Inside "netif_add" some layers down the "ethernetif_enet_init" is called, inside the "netif_remove" the allocated event group is not freed. It would be possible to introduce an "remove_callback" inside lwIP using the config "LWIP_NETIF_REMOVE_CALLBACK" to handle the memory integrity of the system to now blow the system memory. As we are using the SDK version 2.7.0, i took a quick look into the sources of the newest SDK but found no fixing change inside.
It seems the same question with your private case, we have reply you on that.