I use MCUXpresso IDE to programm a microcontroller (Thingstream starterkit - MKL27Z4 with LPC2 programmer). I created a new project (I take an exemple project so there is no mistake in it). Building the project and debugging works well but when I try to run the code, I have this error in the console : java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\ProgramData\MCUXpressoIDE_11.2.1_4149\ide (Access denied)
I already check the target file to be sure that it is accessible - it is accessible for reading and writing for all users (I am on Windows 10)
Can you help me ? Thank you
I connected the microcontroller to my pc and I click on "Run" (the green triangle).
I expected the code to be executed (the exemple code should just create a variable and print something in the console).
Suggest you read this:
[This is rather old, and things have changed a little in MCUXpresso, but the principle still holds]