I'm using LPC5526 with SDK v2.8.0 with Eclipse IDE (2020-06) (so not MCUXpresso).
I'm trying to do a runtime mass erase of the flash.
I get the mass erase working with the FLASH_Erase API, specifying the full flash area to erase.
But (obviously) the controller is not capable of doing anything afterwards.
I would like to at least do a FLASH_VerifyErase afterwards.
So I implemented a function in RAM (see https://mcu-things.com/blog/ramfunc-gcc/), calling the IAP ROM functions directly (which I figured should work):
__attribute__((long_call, noinline, section(".ramfunc"))) void MassErase(void) {
flash_config_t flInst;
UINT32 flashBlockBase = 0;
UINT32 flashTotalSize = 0;
if (FLASH_API_TREE->flash_init(&flInst) == kStatus_FLASH_Success) {
FLASH_API_TREE->flash_get_property(&flInst, kFLASH_PropertyPflashBlockBaseAddr, &flashBlockBase);
FLASH_API_TREE->flash_get_property(&flInst, kFLASH_PropertyPflashTotalSize, &flashTotalSize);
if (FLASH_API_TREE->flash_erase(&flInst, flashBlockBase, flashTotalSize, kFLASH_ApiEraseKey) {
if (FLASH_API_TREE->flash_verify_erase(&flInst, flashBlockBase, flashTotalSize) == kStatus_FLASH_Success) {
// Mass erase successfull
I verified code is running in RAM.
flash_init returns success and flash_get_property returns correct data, so ROM API calls seems to work OK.
Also flash_erase works (in the end Flash is erased), but I still get a SIGTRAP before flash_verify_erase can be executed.
Any idea what I can be doing wrong?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Ah, I just tried a 'step into' the flash_erase function with the debugger, and turned up in an interrupt routine.
Disabling all interrupts fixed the issue.
I can now verify Flash erasure (and anything else) from RAM.
Ah, I just tried a 'step into' the flash_erase function with the debugger, and turned up in an interrupt routine.
Disabling all interrupts fixed the issue.
I can now verify Flash erasure (and anything else) from RAM.