LPC55S6x and ETB
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Hi there,
Does anyone know how to find information about ETM/ETB/MTB support on LPC55S6x? Based on the user manual, it only states the core1 does not support ETM.
I currently have a LPC55S69 EVK board but I never successfully used ETM. Since trace pins are not available on the board, if the ETB is not on the board, does it mean the board cannot activate ETM at all? Can anyone help?
Thank you very much!

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Hello Le Guan,
LPC55s69 has ITM but no ETM or MTB.
We support SWO based trace output only.
Have a great day,
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Thank you very much, Alice Yang,
Are there any m33 or m23 based chips with ETM/ETB support?

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Hello Le Guan,
Sorry we only have LPC55s6x for Cortex-M33, no chips for M23,
so far we haven't m33 or m23 based chips with ETM/ETB support.
Have a great day,
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