LPC55S36 Zephyr Port

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LPC55S36 Zephyr Port

Contributor I

I am working on a Zephyr port for the LPC55S36JHI48 and need to create the LPC55S36JHI48-pinctrl.h file.  I am referencing the existing LPC55S06JHI48-pinctrl.h(attached below) to create LPC55S36JHI48-pinctrl.h.  At the top of LPC55S06JHI48-pinctrl.h there is a comment that says "NOTE: File generated by lpc_cfg_utils.py from LPC55S06JHI48/signal_configuration.xml".  Is it possible to use lpc_cfg_utils.py to generate LPC55S36JHI48-pinctrl.h?  If so where do I find lpc_cfg_utils.py?


Any other suggestions or tools for doing this Zephyr port would be helpful. Thanks.

5 返答(返信)

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @PE_IDR ,

I corrected the link above, and you do not need to be logged in.  Sorry, the link had a typo and included the comma at the end in the URL.  Please try again now.  Thank you

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @henninjw1 and @PE_IDR ,

Thank you for raising this question with NXP.  Per NXP's support guidelines for Zephyr at https://community.nxp.com/t5/Zephyr-Project/bd-p/Zephyr-Project, we feel it is best to keep questions like these in the Zephyr Community.  It is great that you already have this same request created as a GitHub Discussion, so will use that discussion to support you, get it assigned to our engineers, and we can close out this duplicate post here.

NXP is planning to add support for this LPC55S3x family to Zephyr for the next Zephyr release v3.2.  But as you have already found, we have not yet added that support, and will upstream once we have it ready.  For the v3.1 release, we did a lot of work adding pinctrl support for all the existing devices, and we will respond to your GitHub discussion soon with more help to enable you with this device.  

Best regards

Contributor II

@dereksnell ,

Thank you for you prompt and helpful response.

Do you need to be logged in to see the contents of the page you mentioned with the first link? 



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Contributor II

@_Leo_ ,

Perhaps you should take a look at what was asked before you dismissed his request. He is not asking for Zephyr support, he is asking for NXP to deliver on their published commitment to the Zephyr Project through release of HAL (SDK) code. This may be a newer chip, but it seems reasonable that the necessary collateral already exists. If NXP does not have resources for this at this time, then please provide the tools that other who do have resources can continue to use and develop with NXP processors. Everyone is running lean theses days, but don't block other people. Maybe he would be willing to commit it and create a PR so that NXP also benefits? 

@henninjw1  also posted to the zephyr project (NXP LPC55S36 Zephyr Port · Discussion #46421 · zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr (github.com)), perhaps you could provide some guidance as to where he should post in that medium. Should he post it under HAL_NXP or/and or should he tag a particular developer? Also note that on page NXP and Zephyr™ OS Webinar Series | NXP Semiconductors under the "Additional Resources" heading, there is a link to "Issues" which points to Issues · zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr (github.com) perhaps that is where he should post his request? 

Below is a clarification of what is currently publicly available.

There comments at the top of a similar and existing file has the following content. (See github repo)

 * NOTE: File generated by lpc_cfg_utils.py
 * from LPC55S16JBD100/signal_configuration.xml
 * Copyright (c) 2022, NXP
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

The NXP Reference Manual for the LPC5536 from the NXP website, "Chapter 6 Signal Muxing and Pinouts" section "6.2 Pinout" on page 89 of 2142 of Revision B 02/2022 shows that there is a pin functions spreadsheet available. (See image below of the page)

Where is this file located? That may be a place to start. 



You can also see that daniel.degrasse@nxp.com also committed the other files to the Zephyr repo about 2 months ago. So it only seems fitting that the attribution states Copyright NXP 2022, the git commits to the github repo for zephyr were approved by an NXP employee, that this is an NXP tool python tool. 


dts: add pinctrl dts header files for LPC parts · zephyrproject-rtos/hal_nxp@c412e59 (github.com)


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Jake,

I will recommend for Zephyr support to consult the following Zephyr community. Please let me know if I can help you on anything.

Zephyr Community Support

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