I am trying to learn how to use the LPC55S16 and wanted to take a look at its SDK example programs and drivers. I tried using the usart_polling.c example and although the transmission of data seems to be working, there seems to be a problem when it comes to data reception. I get the "Usart polling example | Board will send back received charcaters" message, but the following part is not processed.
The program gets stuck in the loop to check if there is any data to read ( base->FIFOSTAT & USART_FIFOSTAT_RXNOTEMPTY_MASK ).
I am using PuTTY which I configured to 115200 baudrate, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and no flow control.
What bugs me is that I haven't changed anything to the example program, and don't really see where could the problem be coming from.
If you have any ideas or solutions, I would gladly welcome any help.
Thanks in advance.
IDE : MCUXpresso IDE
SDK : SDK_2.x_LPCXpresso55S16 version 2.6.1
I have attached the usart_polling.c to the message.
Hello Can Pouliquen,
This is not bug, you need input some data in PC, then send to Board.
The board will send back the characters PC send.
Hello Alice_Yang,
This is, of course, what I did. I input characters through PuTTY but they are not processed. No character is sent back, and that is because, from what I've verified in debug mode, no character is received.