I am starting with the LPCXpresso54102 Evaluation Board OM13077.
- The board is recognized as shown in the image below
- I am using LPCXpresso IDE 8.2.2 with the example package 3.03.
- JP1 is open
- JP5 is shunted to use Relink protocol
- USB is connected to J6 (I tried in both USB3.0 and USB2.0 ports)
- The emulator is found.
- Project configuration is set to Debug
- All debug sessions are terminated and killed by looking for any redlinkserv or crt_emu_cm_redlink processes active
- periph_blinky and periph_timer project works
Now, I'm trying to run the multicore blinky projects as described in this tutorial.
1. I build both lpc_board_lpcxpresso_54102 and lpc_chip_5410x projects.
2. I build multicore_m4master_blinky project
3. I debug multicore_m4master_blinky project. Debugging shows no erros. Execution stops at line 156 ("int loop = 1; /* Fixes unreachable statement warning */") Note: No SWD configuration window appears, I don't select Cortex M4 as the device.
4. I resume to the breakpoint set at line 207 ("Chip_CPU_CM0Boot(jumpAddr, stackAddr);")
5. I try to build multicore_m0slave_blinky
6. SWD Configuration window appears where no devices are detected.
Sometimes I also get the "No source available for "0x30002da" error.
"Redlinkserver log:
Probe Type = CMSIS-DAP
Probe Reference Count = 0
Thank you in advance,
PS. I've already seen this question SWD configuration both devices not shown
Is that the entire Redlink Server log? It doesn't look like the IDE has attempted to open a debug connection. Is there anything in the Debug, or gdb-traces logs? Have you ever downloaded an application with a Code Read Protection (CRP) setting?
Thanks and regards,
LPCXpresso Support
Using the MCUXpresso IDE with the same LCOpen multicore blinky project example, I'm still not asked for selecting the Cortex M4 as the target for the master, but it successfully builds the project automatically so that when debugging the slave project it prompts the Cortex M0+ target (The only one available for selection). I then resume the breakpoints and the projects works.
However, I'm still getting two different no source available errors when repeating the same process without any apparent change:
1. "No source available for "g_pfnVectors() at 0x0"".
2. "No source available for "(gdb[2].proc[42000].threadGroup[i1],gdb[2].proc[42000].OSthread[1]).thread[1].frame[0]"".
After building both projects for the first time it doesn't ask for neither the Cortex M4 (never did) or the Cortex M0+ targets. How can I force to manually select each time I debug a project?
This is the same issue as your previous post from the look of things. The LPC device you see means the CMSIS-DAP probe has not booted. If you jumped JP5, it allows the IDE to DFU the latest probe firmware. If, instead, you wish to boot a probe from flash (JP5 not connected) you'll have to use a tool like LPCScrypt to flash the probe image. Here's a link to that tool:
Unfortunately, LPCScrypt hasn't been released recently, but you can easily copy over the latest firmware from an MCUXpresso installation. I recommend you leave JP5 jumpered. That way you'll always DFU the latest probe firmware which comes with the MCUXpresso release.
Thanks and regards,
LPCXpresso Support
JP5 is jumpered, it's connected. I'm going to try MCUXpresso release.