I am running out of idea how to make my https get connection works while my mqtt client has already connected to a broker and running.
Are there any hints/tips on running https connection,i.e. getting a file over https while keeping a mqtt client connecting to another broker ?
For example, do I need to disconnect the mqtt connection during the procedure of connecting the https server?
Hi, Nick,
I have asked AE team, I will give you a reply after I get feedback.
XiangJun Rong
Hi, Nick,
This is AE reply:
"You can use different sockets to connect mqtt server and https server that means you can keep mqtt connection while connecting https server.
Xiangjun Rong
Hi Xiangjun,
Thank you for your reply.
I did the same thing.. but I got two issues..
1. When I was trying to run ONLY the httpS to get a file, I always not able to get the last embedtls buffer size packet e.g the last 4096 bytes of that file
2. When I was trying use both the mqtt and https all together in the awsfreertos i.e. mqtt connected and subscribed to some topics and then triggered a download action (HTTPS get), during the phase of hand shaking, it jumps to hardfault.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Hi, Nick,
You have to get the line which leads to hardware fault error although it is difficult.
XiangJun Rong