I need to develop a system based on the LPC11U37H microcontroller to log temperatures. So i was looking in the LPCOpen samles but was unable to find one who write and read data to/from the sdcard. I am using the OM13074 (LPCXpresso LPC11U37H v2 board).
The LPCOpen i use is version 2.03 (11/22/2013). This version is already more than 5 years old and i was wondering if NXP was able to release an updated version in which i can find a sample on how to use the µsdcard located on the board?
Unfortunately, there is no example code for sdcard. customer need to port the SPI SD card code by themselves, the official lpcopen code already provides the SPI driver.
Please check the following thread as reference.
Sorry for any inconvenience that may cause,