Content originally posted in LPCWare by DavidQ on Thu May 29 09:47:25 MST 2014 Hello, I need the u-boot (bin image) for botting uCLinux on LPC4337. I tried to use the u-boot for the LPC4350 from EmCraft. However I made a lot of tests, where I programmed the U-boot on the internal flash using a JTAG connetion (programmer LPC-Link2 using J-Link firmware), but was never able to view any output from the serial interfaces of the development board that I'm using, after the power reset. I know that the programming procedure of the Flash memory is correct because, before I made a test with a LED Blink example programmed using the same method on the same area of the Flash Memory. Could someone give me quick tips about where to download and how to install, the U-boot and ucLinux image, on a development board with the LPC4337 ??
Thank you very much for any tips , links or references. Kind Regards, David