54608 how to use two DMA for enet

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54608 how to use two DMA for enet

Contributor II

According to the volume, lpc546 series should have two independent Ethernet DMA channels. Check all versions of the SDK, only one DMA channel is configured, and dma1 channel is not used.
status_ t ENET_ DescriptorInit(ENET_ Type *base, enet_ config_ t *config, enet_ buffer_ config_ T * bufferconfig) only uint8 in this function_ T ringnum = config > multiqueuecfg = = null? 1:2; now set the number of DMA channels here.
Because the driver is initializing
ENET_ GetDefaultConfig(&config);
config.multiqueueCfg =Null; the eNet is directly caused by null_ Only one channel is initialized in descriptorinit.
/* Active TX/RX. */
ENET_ Start rxtx (Ethernet if > base, 1, 1); only one DMA channel is enabled
Try to configure config.multiqueueCfg Failed to succeed. Failure to configure successfully will cause the entire network to fail to start or receive data.
Excuse me config.multiqueueCfg How to configure to use two DMA channels.

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