I have installed:-
USBDM_4_10_6_250a_Win and USBDM_Drivers_1_3_0_Win_x64 on Windows 7
Using 'ARM GDB Server' setup I can detect the MKE04Z804 processor OK on my FRDM-KE04Z Dev PCB
But I get the following error on exit:-
Welcome to USBDM GDB server
ERROR: Could not create server at the specified port !
Please Help
Hi George,
The only time I have seen this error is when there is already a program using that port.
I assume you are experimenting with the stand-alone server launched from the Windows Start Menu. Can you try changing the server port if you have not already tried this.
The only other suggestion is related to networking and firewalls. Is it possible that the GDB server is not allowed to create sockets?
Thanks for the reply.
Changing the GDB Server Port number fixed it. Thank you.