KSDK 2.1 USB Stack limited to 4 endpoints?

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KSDK 2.1 USB Stack limited to 4 endpoints?

Contributor III

I'm working through the example projects provided by the KSDK 2.1.  Specifically I am looking at the Bare Metal usb_device_his_generic_lite project.  What I am wondering is:


Is this KSDK 2.1 USB middleware stack limited to 4 endpoints?  in the usb_device_config.h file, there is a #define:


/*! @brief How many endpoints are supported in the stack. */


Is this a hard limit on the number of endpoints the new stack can support? or have I completely misinterpreted this #define?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, Chris,

The USB_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENDPOINTS (4U) is the number of the endpoints the example uses, but it is not the maximum endpoints number the USB stack supports. As you know that the Kinstis family supports  maximum16 USB endpoints from hardware perspective.

I attach the <<Composite Device user's Guide.pdf>>, I suppose that the parameter USBCFG_DEV_MAX_ENDPOINTS is the max endpoints value of USB stack which the USB stack can support.

I copy it here from the Composite Device user's Guide.pdf.


8.3.1 Class Configuration
MAX_CDC_DEVICE is set to 2 in usb_cdc.h
USBCFG_DEV_MAX_ENDPOINTS is set to 9 in usb_device_config.h



Xiangjun Rong