Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base

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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


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MAPS-KS22 Board Introduction: MAPS boards are localization evaluation boards for Chinese customers. The MAPS boards are suitable for NXP MCU product, with low coat, more flexibility and easy-copy features, which matching with local customer requirements and better for learning and product evaluation. MAPS board includes four parts board, which are MCU Board, Peripheral Board, Application Board & Socket Board. The naming of MAPS are using the four-part board initial letter. MCU board is NXP Kinetis MCU based evaluation main board with chip related special module interface/device, such as graphic LCD/ENET interface and etc. The MCU board fan out all MCU pins as test points for measuring. The MCU board also provide two 32-pin socket to connect external peripheral board or application board. Peripheral Board collects more general device into one board and using two 32-pin socket connects with MCU board. The MAPS-Dock is the first peripheral board, which with below configuration: Micor-SD card slot; six touch pads; USB FS interface; IrDA transceiver; one SPI Interface (SPI-Flash); two UART interface; four buttons; one I2S interface (audio codec); one CAN interface; two potentionmeter; one DAC output interface; 128x64 monochrome LCD; one 5-way button. It also with SWD debugger on board and USB CDC virtual COM. Application Board designed for special applications, such as motor control, IOT, Smart Home, Wireless Charger and etc. Socket Board provides interface for FreeDOM boards/Arduino boards/Customer defined boards. MAPS-KS22 board MCU board for KS22 chip evaluation. KS22 MCU is based on the ARM® Cortex®-M4 core with 120MHz MCUs with FPU, offering full-speed USB 2.0 OTG, in addition to other features like USB crystal-less functionality. MAPS-KS22 oobe demo porting process MAPS-KS22 oobe demo is based KSDK V1.0, which will show Freescale LOGO on the SPI color LCD and meanwhile use FlexIO I2S to play an audio on microphone. Step1: visit Kinetis Expert website ( to download MAPS-KS22 KSDK V2.0 software: Step2: download [Kinetis SDK Project Generator Tool] from below link and generate oobe demo project based on MAPS-KS22 SDK V2.0 software: Step 3: After that, open the oobe project, which located at default path: C:\Freescale\SDK_2.0_MAPS-KS22\boards\mapsks22\user_apps\oobe\iar The default project is based on <hello-world> demo, it need to add LED control code. Those part of code could be found at <main.c> file and related pin muxing code at <pin_mux.c> file. Step 4: Modify ili9341 related driver: For the oobe project with two major functions, the first one is to display Freescale LOGO at LCD. The MAPS-KS22 board graphic LCD is using ili9341 TFT LCD driver with SPI interface with KS22 chip. The previous oobe project is using GPIO pins emulate SPI communication, we will make the similar application with KSDK V2.0 driver. Most modification based on the GPIO pins control. Please check below code at <ili9341.h> file, which call KSDK V2.0 GPIO driver: #define ILI9341_CS_HIGH()       GPIO_SetPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_CS_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_CS_PIN) #define ILI9341_CS_LOW()        GPIO_ClearPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_CS_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_CS_PIN) #define ILI9341_CLK_HIGH()      GPIO_SetPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_CLK_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_CLK_PIN)  #define ILI9341_CLK_LOW()       GPIO_ClearPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_CLK_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_CLK_PIN) #define ILI9341_MOSI_HIGH()     GPIO_SetPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_MOSI_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_MOSI_PIN) #define ILI9341_MOSI_LOW()      GPIO_ClearPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_MOSI_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_MOSI_PIN)      #define ILI9341_MISO_HIGH()     GPIO_SetPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_MISO_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_MISO_PIN) #define ILI9341_MISO_LOW()      GPIO_ClearPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_MISO_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_MISO_PIN) And it also need to add ili9341 control pin muxing initialization code at <pin_mux.c> file. Step 5: We could modify the Freescale logo with new NXP logo, which could using [Embedded GUI Conversion Utility3.0] tool. This tool could be downloaded from below link:  The conversion result of the graphic data is 16-bit array, which need be transfer to 8-bit array. After that, compile and download the image to the board, it with below result: Step 6: The oobe demo provide another function to play music with MAPS-DOCK board WM8960 codec chip, then using headphone will hear the sound. For the KS22 with FlexIO module, the demo will use FlexIO emulating I2S bus to transfer data to WM8960 codec chip. About I2S bus MCLK clock source, the MAPS-KS22 provide two selection, one is using TPM1_CH1 pin, the other one is using I2S0_MCLK pin with JP5 jumper selection. In oobe demo, we use TPM1_CH1 pin to generate 12MHz MCLK clock with TPM module output compare mode. Related code, please refer below tpm_init_output_compare() function at <main.c> file: //enable clock gating of tpm1 CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Tpm1); //set TMP output compare mode TPM_SetupOutputCompare(BOARD_TPM_BASEADDR, BOARD_TPM_CHANNEL, kTPM_ToggleOnMatch, 1U); BOARD_TPM_BASEADDR->MOD = 0x1; TPM_StartTimer(BOARD_TPM_BASEADDR, kTPM_SystemClock);   //TPM counter increments on every TPM counter clock Step 7: WM8960 is a stereo CODEC chip provide I2C port for chip configuration. There need to initialization the WM8960 chip before using it with related driver <wm8960.c> & <wm8960.h> files. The MAPS-KS22 board using LPI2C0 module connects with WM8960 chip, so there need to port using LPI2C driver of KSDK V2.0 and modify the WM8960 driver related. The LPI2C module initialization code located at <main.c> with lpi2c_master_init() function. The WM8960 driver major modification with WOLFSON_WriteReg() function at <wm8960.c> file, calling the LPI2C driver of KSDK V2.0 with below code:  wolfson_status_t WOLFSON_WriteReg(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val) {       uint8_t cmd,buff;        status_t ret;        cmd = (reg << 1) | ((val >> 😎 & 0x0001);    // register address        buff = val & 0xFF;     //data        reg_cache[reg] = val;      // copy data to cache         uint8_t data[2];         data[0] = cmd;         data[1] = buff;         //start lpi2c tx operation                   ret = LPI2C_MasterStart(LPI2C0, WM8960_I2C_ADDR, kLPI2C_Write);           // send two data with register address and related value          ret = LPI2C_MasterSend(LPI2C0, data, 2);                //stop lpi2c tx operation                  ret = LPI2C_MasterStop(LPI2C0);               if(ret != kStatus_Success)          {  return kStatus_WOLFSON_I2CFail;  }          return kStatus_WOLFSON_Success; } After WM8960 chip driver modification, there could call related driver to initialize WM8960 chip and configure the communication interface with I2S bus. Following steps focus on how to transfer data to WM8960 codec with I2S bus. Step 8:  The FlexIO modul will simulate I2S bus call FlexIO_I2S_MasterInit() function in <main.c> file to initialize FlexIO module as I2S master. There using FXIO0_D4 pin as I2S bit clock pin, using FXIO0_D5 pin as I2S Transmit pin and using FXIO0_D6 pin as I2S Transmit Frame Sync pin. KSDK V2.0 provide FlexIO for I2S driver located at <fsl_flexio_i2s.h> file. Step 9: There will call eDMA with FlexIO module to reduce the core work load during the I2S data transfer. It will initialize the eDMA & DMAMUX modules for FlexIO. Related code located at <main.c> file with ConfigDMAforFlexIOI2STX() function: void ConfigDMAforFlexIOI2STX(void) { EDMA_GetDefaultConfig(&dmaConfig); EDMA_Init(EXAMPLE_DMA, &dmaConfig); EDMA_CreateHandle(&dmaHandle, EXAMPLE_DMA, EXAMPLE_CHANNEL); DMAMUX_Init(DMAMUX0); DMAMUX_SetSource(DMAMUX0, EXAMPLE_CHANNEL, EXAMPLE_DMA_SOURCE); DMAMUX_EnableChannel(DMAMUX0, EXAMPLE_CHANNEL); }    Step 10: KSDK V2.0 software provides FlexIO I2S eDMA driver located at <fsl_flexio_i2s_edma.c> file, with below codes to initialize FlexIO I2S master DMA handler and to configure the sample rate & audio data format to be transferred: FLEXIO_I2S_TransferTxCreateHandleEDMA(&base, &txHandle, callback, NULL, &dmaHandle); FLEXIO_I2S_TransferSetFormatEDMA(&base, &txHandle, &format, 48000000); Step 11: After above preparation, following action will start to transfer music data to WM8960 codec with below code. When the music data transfer finished, the callback function will be called to start next round data transferred. Then we could hear the sound with endless loop. static void callback(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *i2sBase, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData) {   // Initiate FlexIO I2S transfer again after previous transfer finished  FLEXIO_I2S_TransferSendEDMA(&base, &txHandle, &xfer); } About more detailed oobe demo software info, please check attached file. The default oobe demo located path is: C:\Freescale\SDK_2.0_MAPS-KS22\boards\mapsks22\user_apps\oobe
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It has been reported that OpenSDA v2/2.1 bootloader could be corrupted when the board is plugged into a Windows 10 machine. An updated OpenSDA bootloader that fixes this issue is available at There is also a blog article by Arm addressing this issue. To reprogram the bootloader on affected boards, you will require an external debugger, such as Segger JLink or Keil ULink programmer attached to the JTAG port connected to the K20 OpenSDA MCU. For your convenience, the binaries of the OpenSDA v2.2 bootloader is attached at the bottom of this post. If using a Segger JLink, download the latest JLink Software and Documentation pack and use the following JLink.exe commands to connect to the K20 OpenSDA MCU: Connect MK20DX128xxx5 S 4000 And then use the following commands to reflash the bootloader: erase loadbin <your Bootloader Binary> 0x00000000 Here is another post on how to recover bricked OpenSDA boards and to prevent it getting re-bricked. To check more information regarding OpenSDA on your boards, please go to
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Latest version of the AN2295 universal bootloader includes support for IAR 7.6 IDE. - added support for Kinetis E MCUs - Kinetis K,L,M,E,W,V support
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The DOC focuses on how to access SDRAM based on K65 SDRAM controller, it describes the hardware connection especially the address connection, the SDRAM controller initialization,the code to access SDRAM.
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Dear all :      I would like to share an IoT application note to you. The note will help us to setup a FRDM-K64F to connect to Microsoft Azure and get alarm message from Azure. Detail please refer to attachment. Demonstration : IoT client (FRDM-K64F) report data to Cloud (Microsoft Azure) IoT client receive data from Cloud Could computing IoT client data and take action Tools : FRDM-K64F ( ) Device Explorer ( ) Visual Studio 2015 SSH client ( PuTTY  or Tera Term ) mbed  ( ) Microsoft Azure ( )
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This is an adaptation I made for the original SMTP protocol implementation provided with the KSDK1.3, with the addition of the secure connection using WolfSSL. The example software is currently ported to the FRDM-K64F Kinetis board but it can be implemented for other boards.This demo sends a e-mail using the Gmail SMTP server ( , port 465) through a SSL channel.   How to run the example:   1 - Download the example software attached. You will need to have KDS 3.0 and KSDK1.3 previously installed on the machine. 2 - In KDS, go to File -> Import, select the folder Project of Projects -> Existing Project Sets, then open the file mqx_smtp_ssl_demo.wsd located in the folder \SMTP_SSL_demo_KSDK_1.3.0\examples\frdmk64f\demo_apps\security\smtp_wolfssl\smtp_wolfssl_mqx\kds 3- Build all the libraries and run the example project. 4- To allow SMTP + SSL , you will need to change your Gmail account settings 5- Using a Serial terminal (115200 bps,8N1) connected to the OpenSDA CDC interface (COM port), connect it to see the shell.Type ipconfig init and ipconfig dhcp to init the Ethernet interface and get a valid IP from the router.   6- Type help to see all the commands available. 7- To send a e-mail using the secure channel, you will need a valid gmail account and use the command:        sec_email -f < > -t <> -s <> [-u <Username>] [-p <Password>] [-j <"email subject">] [-m <"text of email message"]>   For example:        sec_email -f -t -s -u -p mypassword -j "email subject" -m "text of email message"   Some additional notes:   - The Certificate Authority (CA) file from Equifax, used for Gmail, is decoded in hexadecimal to a c array and it is located in the file rtcs_smtp_ssl.c , in the \middleware\tcpip\rtcs\source\apps folder:     - To connect to other servers with SSL support, you will need to obtain a valid Certificate Authority file for this server. You can do it in three steps: 1) Verify what is the certificate authority used by the server. One way to do it is using OpenSSL ( OpenSSL  ) ,  with s_client and the option -showcerts to see the server certificates and check the certificate Authority.Gmail uses Equifax as CA 2) After you know the Certificate Authority of the server, you can get the certificate file in pem file format on a e-mail client for PC (e.g. Outlook).In this case , Outlook has the Equifax certificate file.All the certificate files need to start with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and to finish with -----END CERTIFICATE----- ,as below 3) You need to convert your CA file to a c language array. You can use Bin2h to do the task.        PEM file generated by Equifax before to be converted to a c array   All the files used to build the demo are included on the file attached. The SSL connection using the WolfSSL software is made on the file rtcs_smtp_ssl.c.
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Hello Kinetis fans, This time I bring to you a document which explains what is and how to configure scatter/gather feature which is present in the Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA). This document includes an example project for the Kinetis Design Studio (KDS) which works in the FRDM-K64F board but the configuration is the same for any MCU which includes the eDMA peripheral. If you are interested in the channel linking feature, please take a look into the document What is and how to configure the eDMA channel linking feature​. I hope you find this document useful. Best regards, Earl Orlando Ramírez-Sánchez Technical Support Engineer NXP Semiconductors
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When you go with your laptop to a public place and you don't have a wi-fi connection available you can connect your cellphone in the USB port of your computer, turn on the USB tethering feature of your smartphone and you get full acess to the internet using your carrier data plan. The USB tethering uses the the RNDIS protocol and is easy to implement on a laptop.   But how to connect a Kinetis to the internet using a cellphone?   I'm sharing the the first version of the implementation I made of the RNDIS protocol.It's based in the KSDK 1.3 + MQX + LwIP and it can be used for reference in other projects. It's only a first release and I plan some additional implementation, bugfixes and support for other Kinetis boards in the near future but it already can be useful in some projects. Initially it only supports FRDM-K22F and FRDM-K64F but it can be implemented in any MCU with USB controller and enough FLASH. It's a low-cost and simple way to connect your MCU to the internet when you don't have a Ethernet cable available or an Wi-fi connection or a 4G module available in your board.   Introduction   This project implements the RNDIS protocol on the top of the USB Host Stack and in the bottom of the LwIP (TCP/IP stack). When a cellphone is connected to a freedom board, it acts as a USB device and the Freedom board acts as a host.   * Software implementation * Cellphone connected to a FRDM-K64F providing internet connection to the board   The user can design his own software in the top of the TCP/IP stack (LwIP) like if it's connected through an ethernet cable.   Demonstration   To run the demo you will need the KDS 1.3 (   To load all the projects needed to your project you have to extract the .zip file and in KDS go to File -> Import, Project of Projects -> Existing Project Sets, and browse to the *.wsd file present in the folder:   USB_RNDIS\KSDK_1.3.0\examples\[your board]\demo_apps\lwip\usb_tethering_demo\usb_tethering_demo_mqx\kds   It will import all the needed project in to your workspaces so you will be able to build all the projects and flash it into your board.   With the application flashed, open a Serial terminal with 115200kbps, 8N1 for the CDC interface of OpenSDA.When the board starts, it will display:     Connect your cellphone in to the USB of the MCU. After connect the phone turn on the USB tethering feature and wait some seconds:   The Freedom Board will be connected to the internet. As an example, this demo connects to an HTTP server in the internet, download to MCU some data (Lastest news from an newspaper website) and displays it through the Serial connection.   You can modify this demo for your own application, using the TCP/IP and UDP/IP provided by the LwIP.   Typical Aplications   - Low-cost temporary internet connectivity to the MCU. - Remote updat (i.e.: bootloader through USB downloading the new firmware direct from the web) - Remote control - Remote diagnostics   Known Issues and Limitations: - This first version was only full implemented for FRDM-K22F and FRDM-K64F. I can implement for other boards through requests. - It was tested on Android Phones (Samsung Galaxy, Motorola G, Motorola X). I don't have a iPhone to test yet. - Some cellphones need additional current to detect that is attached to a host.A external power is needed in this situation.For FRDM-K64F I suggest to use the J27 footprint to provide 5V and short the diode D13. - Not all the RNDIS messages was implemented yet, only the most fundamental ones. - There's a flash size limitation due the size of the TCP/IP stacks ( that requires a considerably space of flash). It can adapted in the future for stacks with smaller footprint. - Only support KDS 3.0 at this time. And it only supports MQX at this time.   Let me  know if you have any question. Hope it can be useful!   1-      With the application flashed, open a Serial terminal with 115200kbps, 8N1 for the CDC interface of OpenSDA.When the board starts, it will display:
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This document covers some of the more common questions about the new Kinetis K8x family. Any new specific issues or questions should be posted into it's own thread, and will be added to this document as appropriate. Kinetis K80 Basics What is the K8x family? It is a new Kinetis family of Cortex-M4F devices, running up to 150MHz, that include 256K of Flash and 256K of SRAM. It features FS USB, SDRAM, QuadSPI, SPI, I2C, LPUART, and much much more. How does the Kinetis K8x family differ from other Kinetis K families? The K8x family offers the same advantages and compatibility as other Kinetis K families, but also offers several new features not found on other Kinetis K families: QuadSPI Support Dual Voltage Domains (independent VDDIO domain down to 1.8V for QuadSPI or other interfaces) EMVSIM (Euro, MasterCard, Visa Serial Interface Module) FlexIO Additionally the K81 and K82 families offer the following new security modules: LTC (Low Power Trusted Cryptography) Encryption / Decryption algorithms in hardware (as opposed to using mmCAU s/w libs) OTFAD (On The Fly AES Decryption) Zero latency decryption when executing encrypted code from QuadSPI Secure RAM 2KB of Secure Session RAM Because of the addition of a second voltage domain and QuadSPI, there is no hardware pin compatibility with previous Kinetis derivatives. However there is significant module and enablement re-use, so if you’re familiar with other Kinetis devices, it will be easy to get started with the K80. Where can I find reference manuals, datasheets, and errata? These can be found on the K8x documentation pages. Detailed information on the K81 is under NDA, so please contact your NXP sales representative for those documents. What’s the difference between the different K8x devices? K80 is the base version, which includes QuadSPI controller, SDRAM controller, FS USB, and much more. K81 adds DryIce Tamper Detect and the LTC/OTFAD modules K82 adds just the LTC/OTFAD modules K80 and K82 families have the same pin out for their respective packages. The pinout for K81 is slightly different but can still be compatible. What boards are available to evaluate the K80 family? FRDM-K82F: A Freedom board with a 100LQFP K82 device. Also includes dual QuadSPI, touch pad, Arduino compatible footprint, and FlexIO header compatible with OV7670 camera. TWR-K80F150M: A Tower board with 121XFBGA K80 device. Includes dual QuadSPI, SDRAM, EVMSIM, SDCard holder, touch pads, and more. TWR-POS-K81: A Point of Sale reference design board in tower form factor. This board is only available via your NXP sales representative. The K8x MCU Family Hardware Tools selection guide has more details on board differences. What packages are available? The 100 LQFP and 121 XFBGA packages are lead packages available today. The 144 LQFP package and the WLCSP are part of the Package Your Way (PYW) program, and you should contact your NXP sales representative if interested in those packages. What is the difference between K8x and KL8x families? The KL8x family shares many of the same features as the K8x family. The biggest differences are that the KL8x family uses the Cortex-M0+ core (instead of Cortex-M4F), has a lower max clock speed, and has less internal Flash and RAM. It also reduces the instances of peripherals available, but still includes QuadSPI, FlexIO, LTC, and BootROM peripherals like on the K80. See the KL8x Fact Sheet for more details. KL8x devices will be available in the first quarter of 2016. Software/Tools Where can I find instructions and details on the hardware used to evaluate the K8x family? FRDM-K82F:​ TWR-K80F150M: ​ Which version of Kinetis SDK supports the K8x family? Kinetis Software Development Kit (KSDK) support is split depending on the evaluation platform. For TWR-K80F150M, support can be found in the Kinetis SDK 1.3 Mainline Release. For FRDM-K82F, support can be found in the Kinetis SDK FRDM-K82F Stand-alone release. Note that the FRDM-K82 standalone release is truly standalone, and does not require the mainline release to be installed. How do I run the FRDM-K82F OV7670 camera demo? See this Community post: How can I use the micro SD card reader on the TWR-K80F150M? Because the SD card signals are shared with the QuadSPI signals, the SD card slot is not connected by default. See section 3.14 of the TWR-K80F150M User Guide for details on how to connect it, with the understanding that QuadSPI will not be available on the board while using SDHC. How do I use the SDRAM on the TWR-K80F150M? See section 3.9 of the TWR-K80F150M User Guide. Due to the layout of the board, the OpenSDA UART feature cannot be used while running the SDRAM as jumpers J6 and J8 need to be removed. QuadSPI What is QuadSPI Flash? Why should I use it? QuadSPI is a name for a popular type of serial NOR flash memory that is SPI compatible, but also allows for multiple data lines (up to 4 per device, or 8 if done in parallel) with bi-directional data for increased memory bandwidth. The QuadSPI controller on the K8x also allows for Execute-In-Place (XIP) mode so that code can be executed out of this external memory. QuadSPI memory can be used for either extra memory storage or for extra code space, or a combination of both. After initialization, it appears as a readable area of memory starting at 0x6800_0000 (as well as at the alias regions). How can I program the QuadSPI? There is an example application in Kinetis SDK that shows how to program the QuadSPI at C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0\examples\twrk80f150m\driver_examples\qspi For programming an entire application, the ROM bootloader can be used. Details are in the K80 Bootloader Tools Package. The Kinetis Bootloader QuadSPI User's Guide that comes as part of that package describes all the steps needed to get up and running with QuadSPI. There is also an example Kinetis SDK application that runs out of QuadSPI at C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0\examples\twrk80f150m\demo_apps\hello_world_qspi_alias What performance tips are there if doing QuadSPI XIP? A few key performance factors: Ensure both the data and instruction cache is enabled Use as many data lines as possible (4, or 8 if available in dual/octal modes) Use DDR mode Any critical code should be placed in Flash/RAM for fastest performance If using XIP, code should be executed out of the QuadSPI aliased address space which starts at 0x0400_0000. A more detailed app note is under development. How do I debug code located in QuadSPI? You must make use of the aliased QuadSPI address space at 0x0400_0000. There is an example of this in the hello_world_qspi_alias example in Kinetis SDK. Due to the architecture of the M4 core on Kinetis, breakpoints cannot be set in the 6800_0000 address space, which is why the alias address space is provided. What app notes are available for the QuadSPI? Because the QuadSPI module found on the K8x family has also been used on other NXP devices, there are some app notes available that can be useful for QuadSPI development. Note that some of the implementation details and features as described in the app notes will be different for K8x, so please use the K8x reference manual for full details. AN4186​ AN4512​ AN4777​ ROM Bootloader Where can I find more information on the bootloader that comes built into the silicon of the K8x family? Download the K80 Bootloader Tools package. If interested in QuadSPI, the Kinetis Bootloader QuadSPI User's Guide that comes as part of that package describes all the steps needed to get up and running with QuadSPI. The other information found on the Kinetis Bootloader website is also useful as this is what the ROM Bootloader is based off of. What interfaces does the ROM Bootloader support? The ROM Bootloader on the K8x family can interface via LPUART, I2C, SPI, or USB HID (via BLHost) to erase and program both the internal flash and/or QuadSPI flash. This is the same bootloader found on other Kinetis devices, but also includes some more advanced features to support QuadSPI. How can I enter bootloader mode? By default, when using a Kinetis SDK project, the bootloader is disabled and the code immediately jumps to the address in Flash pointed at location 0x4. By asserting the NMI pin at reset though, the part can be forced to enter bootloader mode. This is useful for programming the QuadSPI or interfacing with the bootloader in other ways. This feature is controlled via the FOPT[BOOTPIN_OPT] bit, which the Kinetis SDK code sets to '0' to enable the NMI pin to enter bootloader mode. The NMI button on each board is: FRDM-K82F: SW2 TWR-K80F150M: SW2 The FOPT register (at 0x40C) can be modified to always go into Bootloader mode if desired. Details are in boot chapter of the K80 reference manual. Where is the bootloader configuration data found in Kinetis SDK? The Bootloader Configuration Area (BCA), which begins at address 0x3C0, is defined in C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0\platform\devices\MK80F25615\startup\system_MK80F25615.c starting on line 133. You must also add the define BOOTLOADER_CONFIG in the project settings to let the linker files know to program this BCA area. The FOPT configuration register (at 0x40D) is defined in C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0_K82\platform\devices\MK82F25615\startup\<compiler>\startup_MK80F25615.s and by default is set to 0x3D which disables the bootloader, but does enable the option to enter bootloader via the NMI pin at reset (see previous question) How can I use the UART port on the FRDM-K82F with the BootROM? The OpenSDA/UART lines on the FRDM-K82F use LPUART4, which is not used by the BootROM. If you would like to use the serial UART lines to interact with the BootROM, you can blue wire a connection from either J24 or J1, and connect to R32 (RX) and R36 (TX). This was due to muxing trade-offs. The OpenSDA/UART lines on the TWR-K80F150M are connected to UART1 and thus no modification is necessary for that board. Also keep in mind that you can use the USB interface with the BLHost tool on both boards with no modification. The examples in Kinetis SDK setup the QuadSPI Configuration Block (QCB) data using a qspi_config.bin file. How can I generate my own custom QCB file? There is a C file that come as part of Kinetis SDK (C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0\examples\twrk80f150m\demo_apps\hello_world_qspi\qspi_config_block_generator.c) or in the KBoot zip file, that can be compiled with various toolchains on a host computer, that will then produce a .bin file. You could import this file, and then after compilation, run it, and it will write out the new .bin to your hard drive. There is a tool under development that simplifies this process by reading in that example .bin file and then you can modify the fields in the app, and then it will write out the modified .bin file. Can I jump directly to QuadSPI for Execute in Place (XiP) after booting? Yes. However note that you must still put the Bootloader Configuration Area (BCA) into internal flash. And you also may want to put the QuadSPI Configuration Block (QCB) in flash as well since it needs to be read before the QuadSPI is setup. Thus even if all your code is in QuadSPI address space, the internal flash must also be written at least once to put in the configuration data. Once you have that set though, then you can develop code by only programming the QuadSPI address space. Troubleshooting I’m having debugger connection issues when using an external debugger, like a Segger JLink. Why? It’s likely that the OpenSDA circuit is interfering, and thus needs to be isolated via jumpers on the board. For TWR-K80F150M: Pull J16 and J17 For FRDM-K82F: Pull J6 and J7 Also make sure you are using the correct debug header for the K8x device on the board: For TWR-K80F150M: J11 For FRDM-K82F: J19 Where is the CMSIS-DAP/OpenOCD debug configuration for the K8x family in Kinetis Design Studio? KDS 3.0 does not support programming the K8x family via the CMSIS-DAP interface. You will need to change the OpenSDA app on the board to either J-Link or P&E as described in the K8x Getting Started guides (Part 3). I can't get OpenSDA on the FRDM-K82F into bootloader mode. Make sure jumper J23 is on pins 1-2 to connect the reset signal to the OpenSDA circuit. On some early versions of the board this was incorrectly installed on pins 2-3 instead. When using IAR with the default CMSIS-DAP debug interface, I sometimes get the error: “Fatal error: CPU did not power up” This is an issue in some older versions of IAR. Upgrade to at least version 7.40.5 which fixes this. When using KDS with the JLink interface with the FRDM-K82F board, I get an error. If you see the error "The selected device 'MK82FN256XXX15' is unknown to this version of the J-Link software." it's because the J-Link driver that comes with KDS 3.0.0 does not know about the K82 family. You can either select a MK80FN256XXX15 device (which is compatible with the K82 on the board) or update the JLink software by downloading and installing the latest JLink Software and documentation pack. At the end of the installation process it will ask to update the DLLs used by the IDEs installed on your computer, so make sure to check the KDS checkbox on that screen. I’m using the P&E OpenSDA App and debugging is not working. I get either "Error reading data from OpenSDA hardware. E17925" or “The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive” in KDS If using IAR, make sure you have the latest version (7.40.7 or later) If using KDS, you need to update the P&E plugin in KDS. Go to Help->Check for Updates, and select the P&E debug update. Make sure not to select the other debugger updates as it will break it in KDS 3.0.0 (see this thread)
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One of the new features that can be found on the FRDM-K82F is the FlexIO header. It’s be specifically designed to interface with the very cost-efficient OV7670 camera, and uses 8 FlexIO lines to read data from the camera. By using the FlexIO feature, it makes it easy to connect a camera to a Kinetis MCU. A demo is included with Kinetis SDK 1.3 which streams the video data from the camera to a host computer over USB. FlexIO: The FlexIO is a highly configurable module found on select Kinetis devices which provides a wide range of functionality including: • Emulation of a variety of serial/parallel communication protocols • Flexible 16-bit timers with support for a variety of trigger, reset, enable and disable conditions • Programmable logic blocks allowing the implementation of digital logic functions on-chip and configurable interaction of internal and external modules • Programmable state machine for offloading basic system control functions from CPU All with less overhead than software bit-banging, while allowing for more flexibility than dedicated IP. Running the Demo: First you’ll need to setup the hardware. An 18 pin header needs to be installed on the *back* of the board. The camera is oriented this way to allow for use of shields on the top, even if the camera is being used. This way the functionality could be extended with WiFi or LCD shields. After the header is soldered on, plug in the camera. It will look like the following when complete: Next we need to program the K82 device with the example firmware. The software can be found in the Kinetis SDK FRDM-K82F stand-alone release, in the C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0_K82\examples\frdmk82f\demo_apps\usb\device\video\flexio_ov7670 folder. Open the project, compile, and program the example specific for your compiler like done for other examples. Make sure you also compile the USB Device library as well. After programming the K82, unplug the USB cable from J5 (OpenSDA) and plug it into J11 (K82 USB). The board will enumerate as a generic USB video device called “USB VIDEO DEMO”. You can then use this device with any video capture software, like Skype or Lync.  Here's a shot of the clock in my cube: The resolution is 160*120, the video image format is RGB565. You may need to manually adjust the focus by rotating the lens on the camera. The frame rate can also be sped up by modifying line 342 in usb_descriptor.c: 5fps: 0x80,0x84,0x1E,0x00, /* Default frame interval is 5fps */ 10fps:  0x40,0x42,0x0F,0x00, 15fps:  0x2A,0x2C,0x0A,0x00, 20fps:  0x20,0xA1,0x07,0x00, The 160*120 max resolution was determined by the amount internal SRAM of the device, as there is not external RAM on the FRDM-K82F board. More Information: One of many places to buy the OV7670 camera module​ OV7670 Reference Manual​ FlexIO Overview ​ FlexIO Training presented at FTF
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Hi All, I designed one multi-uarts bootloader project for customers, with which the customers can improve their production efficency in factory. The attached files is the host machine and slave machine bootloader programs and a document for reference. Now the programs can work smoothly on K64 freedom board with three uarts broadcust function. Anybody who has such request can refer to my new program. Best regards David
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Hello Kinetis World, I just wanted to take this opportunity to share the press release for our newly announced WLCSP device. The Ultra Thin CSP, MK22FN512CBP12R, is equivalent to the standard height CSP, MK22FN512CBP12R.  Therefore, from Therefore, from a software enablement perspective, the MK22FN512CAP12 device can be selected as shown in the attached Processor Expert screenshot.  We're looking forward to seeing what amazing things you can accomplish using Kinetis technology!      
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1.jicheng0622-AET-电子技术应用 2.wuyage-AET-电子技术应用 3.fanxi123-AET-电子技术应用
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@@This article describes how to do in-system reprogramming of Kinetis for Cortex-M4 core devices using standard communication media such as SCI. Most of the codes are written in C so that make it easy to migrate to other MCUs. The solution has been adopted by customers. This bootloader is based on FRDM-K22 demo board and KDS3.0. The bootloader and user application source codes are provided. GUI is also provided. Customer can make their own bootloader applications based on them. The application can be used to upgrade single target board and multi boards connected through networks such as RS485. The bootloader application checks the availability of the nodes between the input address range, and upgrades firmware nodes one by one automatically. Key features of the bootloader: Able to update (or just verify) multiple devices in a network. Application code and bootloader code are in separated projects, convenient for mass production and firmware upgrading. Bootloader code size is small, only around 3k, which reduces on chip memory resources. Source code available, easy for reading and migrating. For Cortex-M0+ products, please refer to here :Kinetis Bootloader to Update Multiple Devices in a Network - for Cortex-M0+ , it based on FRDM-KL26. The main difference between Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M0+ is the FLASH program routine. - In Cotex-M4 core kinetis, we need copy the Flash operating routines to RAM. In the bootloader code, the copy to ram code is realized in the function of “FLASH_Initialization()”: Byte buffer[200]={0}; - In Cotex M0+ core kinetis, we do not need to copy the Flash operating routines to RAM. Platform Control Register (MCM_PLACR) is added. The MCM_PLACR register selects the arbitration policy for the crossbar masters and configures the flash memory controller. Enabling ESFC bit can stall flash controller when flash is busy.  Setting ESFC bit can well-balance time sequence of Flash reading and writing – when writing Flash, reading Flash instruction can wait, and vice versa. Using ESFC bit can make our flash programming easier. Thus one Flash can write itself, which is not possible for other one Flash MCU without ESFC bit control. ESFC bit is easy to be set in C code: For more information, please see attached document and code. User can also download the document and source code from Github:
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       FreeRTOS is a high quality, risk free, supported, free RTOS, and now it is already successful to porting more 35 architectures. As a popular RTOS, more and more embedded engineers considering it for their next project.        Next, I’m going to show you the steps of creating a MAPS-K22 FreeRTOS demo by IAR and I’ve also attached a template demo and FreeRTOS source code (Fig 1). Fig 1 FreeRTOS source code directories and files     1. Copy the FreeRTOS source code to ~\MAPSK22_SC\Libraries     2. Create FreeRTOS_Source group in the workspace, then add the source code (Fig 2) Fig 2 3. Add an application code in the main.c This is a very simple configuration. It creates two tasks, one software timer, and also uses a button interrupt. The two tasks communicate via a queue. The receiving task toggles the LED3 each time a value is received. Pressing user button K5 generates an interrupt. The interrupt service routine for which resets a software timer, then turn the LED1 on. The software timer has a five second period. The timer will expire when K5 has not been pressed again for a full five seconds. The callback function that executes when the timer expires simply turn the LED1 on again. Therefore, pressing K5 will turn the LED1 on, and the LED1 will remain on until a full five seconds pass without the button being pressed again. 4. Modify the Include Directories 5. Run the FreeRTOS demo After build the modified application code, then run it on MAPS-K22 board (Fig 3) Fig 3 IMPORTANT! Cortex-M FreeRTOS port specific configuration Configuration items specific to this demo are contained in ~\MAPSK22_SC\Libraries\RTOS\config\K22F51212\iar. The constants defined in this file can be edited to suit your application. In particular configTICK_RATE_HZ This sets the frequency of the RTOS tick interrupt. The supplied value of 1000Hz is useful for testing the RTOS kernel functionality but is faster than most applications require. Lowering this value will improve efficiency. configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY and configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY See the RTOS kernel configuration documentation for full information on these configuration constants. configLIBRARY_LOWEST_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY and configLIBRARY_MAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY These are equivalents to configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY and configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY, but presented in a form suitable for passing into the Freescale NVIC_SetPriority() library function. The NVIC_SetPriority() function expects priorities to be in the range of 0 to 15 - 0 being the highest priority and 15 being the lowest priority.
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Revise History: Version 23: NXP kinetis bootloader GUI upgrade from v1.0 to v1.1: added 04 extended linear address record  and 02 sector address record processing for hex format. This article describes how to do in-system reprogramming of Kinetis devices using standard communication media such as SCI. Most of the codes are written in C so that make it easy to migrate to other MCUs. The solution has been already adopted by customers. The pdf document is based on FRDM-KL26 demo board and Codewarrior 10.6.  The bootloader and user application source codes are provided. GUI and video show are also provided. Now the bootloader source code is ported to KDS3.0, Keil5.15 and IAR7.40 which are also enclosed in the SW package. Customer can make their own bootloader applications based on them. The application can be used to upgrade single target board and multi boards connected through networks such as RS485. The bootloader application checks the availability of the nodes between the input address range, and upgrades firmware nodes one by one automatically. ​ Key features of the bootloader: Able to update (or just verify) either single or multiple devices in a network. Application code and bootloader code are in separated projects, convenient for mass production and firmware upgrading. Bootloader code size is small, only around 2K, which reduces the requirement of on chip memory resources. Source code available, easy for reading and migrating. GUI supports S19,HEX and BIN format burning images. For more information, please see attached document and code. The attached demo code is for KL26 which is Cortex - M0+ core. For Cortex-M4 core demo, refer this url: User can also download the document and source code from Github: Thanks for the great support from Chaohui Guo and his team. NOTE: The bootloader and GUI code are all open source, users can revise them based on your own requirement. Enjoy Bootloader programming 🙂
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This demo is about driving TFT LCD by FlexBus module on MAPS-K22 board.       MAPS-K22 brief description: High performance Freescale ARM Cortex™ M4 SoC MK22FN512VLL12​ with 120MHz core clock, 512KB Flash and 128K RAM. Support Graphic LCD by Flexbus interface. Power supply from Micro USB 5V. Support ISO7816 smart card by UART interface. Support connector for Peripheral, Application and Socket MAPS board. SDK 1.0 Software release FlexBus Overview       The FlexBus module is a hardware module that: Provides memory expansion and provides connection to external peripherals with a parallel bus Can be directly connected to the following asynchronous or synchronous slave-only devices with little or no additional circuitry: External ROMs Flash memories Programmable logic devices Other simple target (slave) devices Block diagram Pin functions Pins allocation Demo illustration       After run the demo, the TFT LCD will display the Freescale logo as below, and I’ve also attached the demo. Welcome to download it.
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Hello Kinetis community. Attached there is a guide on how to modify an existing KDS project to be loaded using the KBOOT Flash Resident bootloader. Basically it explains 2 procedures: 1- Manipulating linker file to move application and vectors. 2- Adding data for the Bootloader Configuration Area (BCA). I am also including 3 adapted KDS v3.0.0 example projects ready to be used with KBOOT Flash Resident bootloader in a FRDM-K22F: - Baremetal project. - KSDK project. - KSDK project with Processor Expert support. The application simply toggles the red, green and blue LEDs sequentially. I hope you find the document and projects useful! Regards! Jorge Gonzalez
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