The problem is as follows:
I adapted one of the examples to work with USB Stack Processor Expert, specifically "C:\Freescale\Freescale USB Stack v4.0.3\Source\Host\examples\msd_mfs_generic\cw10\kinetis_k20". I've checked the processor clock settings, I used the USB Host Stack component of the PE.
The way I adapted was creating a new project in PE and adding the libraries used in the example. I also put the pin PTC9 to 1 to enable the USB 5V.
Everything compiles, the USB get interface.
Mount the file system,
f_result = f_mount(HOST_CONTROLLER_NUMBER, &fatfs);
but when I try to open a file or do any "MFS" operation
f_result = f_open(&archivo, "/Test.txt", FA_READ);
I have a Hard Fault.
sometimes instead of a Hard Fault the program continues to run but the function f_mount returns error:
FR_DISK_ERR, | /* (1) A hard error occured in the low level disk I/O layer */ |
That's related to "diskio.c"
I tried a PE component made by Erich Styger to trace HardFaults and trace the last executed code to a function in 'hostmain.c'.
I'm a little confused and don't know where to find.
Attached the source code to see if someone can give me a hand.
Sorry for spelling errors or syntax, (I do best reading in english than writing)
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