TWR k53n512
Hey my name is Alex and i am new to the tower system,i was running the tower but it seems like there are pins everywhere on and off. I recently got it from a friend but seem like he was struggling so i wanted to learn it. Does it matter where all the pins lay if i wanted to test the installation instructions to make sure is running well.
hi Alex:
Welcome to the Tower Geeks world!
Regarding your inquiries:
Not sure if you have checked the TWR-K53N512 Quick Start Guide, it is quite a good option to begin.
Also the TWR-K53N512 User Manual can help with your question (Check the "Input/Output Connectors and Ping Usage Table" in page 18)
Let me know if those help
TWR-K53N512 User Manual link is dead (404). :smileycry:
Hello Lee Courtney:
The link is just missing the .pdf extension. More documentation and useful materials are available in the TWR-K53 board and K53 MCU product pages:
Kinetis K53 Tower System Module|Freescale
K53_100 |Kinetis K53 100 MHz MCUs|Freescale
Jorge Gonzalez