Kinetis KL05xx Problems with LPTMR or clock distribution

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Kinetis KL05xx Problems with LPTMR or clock distribution

Contributor II

Hello to all,

at the moment we have started to get familiar with KL05xxx devices by using the Freescal Eval- Board.

Starting point are the sources devlievered with the evaluation package which was modfied for test reason.

Here the setup which we expect the system to work in:

- transit to BLBI mode (via FBI mode)

- start operating in VLPR- mode using fast internal reference clock of 4MHz

- use fast internal reference clock as input for MCGIRCLK to clock LPTMR timer which will toggle some GPIO

So far so good.

Bringing the system into VLPR is not the problem but now the trouble starts:

Wwe have recgonized is that it is impossible to get an output at the GPIO pins that are triggered by LPTMR higer then 30kHz (Bypass mode and Counter compare value = 0) when using Fast Internal Reference clock.

Regarding the clocking diagram the output frequency should be much higher, right ?

I also checked register values in MCG and system configuration but all of the values seems to be right. Status register MCG_S shows fast internal reference and everthing else seems to be okay as well. So what is the problem with that issue at the moment I have no idea, so any hint or advice is very welcomed.

Thanks for you help !!!!


Here you find the test code of the project:


int main (void)

{ WORD bcount =0;

    BYTE bHelp = FALSE;

    DWORD dwTempReg;




        while(!(LPTMR0_CSR &  LPTMR_CSR_TCF_MASK));



            LPTMR0_CSR |=  LPTMR_CSR_TCF_MASK;

            GPIOA_PTOR = 0x00000100;





and here how we init the system:

void sysinit (void)


        /* Enable all of the port clocks. These have to be enabled to configure

         * pin muxing options, so most code will need all of these on anyway.




        // releases hold with ACKISO:  Only has an effect if recovering from VLLS1, VLLS2, or VLLS3

        // if ACKISO is set you must clear ackiso before calling pll_init

        //    or pll init hangs waiting for OSC to initialize

        // if osc enabled in low power modes - enable it first before ack

        // if I/O needs to be maintained without glitches enable outputs and modules first before ack.



                    PMC_REGSC |= PMC_REGSC_ACKISO_MASK;




       SIM_CLKDIV1 = ( 0

                        | SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV1(0)      

                        | SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV4(1) );


        dwMcgClkHz =  fee_32OSC();

        uart0_clk_khz = (dwMcgClkHz / 1000); // the UART0 clock frequency will equal the FLL frequency




       /* Set the system dividers */

      //SIM_CLKDIV1 = ( 0

      //                  | SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV1(0)        /*clockdivider for core /system clock* 1:1*/

      //                  | SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV4(1) );    /*clockdivider for bus/ flash clock 1:4*/

      /*set clock mode*/

            /*transition from fei (reset condition) to fbi */         

      /* Set the system dividers */

      SIM_CLKDIV1 = ( 0

                        | SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV1(0)        /*clockdivider for core /system clock* 1:1*/

                        | SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV4(4) );    /*clockdivider for bus/ flash clock 1:4*/



            MCG_SC |= MCG_SC_FCRDIV(0);

            dwMcgClkHz = fei_fbi(4000000, FAST_IRC);




            /*transition from fei to blbi for low power application*/

            dwMcgClkHz = fbi_blpi(4000000, FAST_IRC);


            //MCG_C1 |= MCG_C1_IRCLKEN_MASK;

            //if (dwMcgClkHz < 0x100)

      //   while(1);


                    * Use the value obtained from the pll_init function to define variables

            * for the core clock in kHz and also the peripheral clock. These

            * variables can be used by other functions that need awareness of the

            * system frequency.


      dwMcgClkKhz         = dwMcgClkHz         / 1000;

        dwCoreClkKhz         = dwMcgClkKhz     / (((SIM_CLKDIV1 & SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV1_MASK) >> 28)+ 1);

      dwPeriphClkKhz     = dwCoreClkKhz     / (((SIM_CLKDIV1 & SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV4_MASK) >> 16)+ 1);




            /*INIT GPIOs*/




            PORTB_GPCLR = 0xFFFF0143;/*All Ppins of Port B ar GPIOs*/

            PORTB_GPCHR = 0x00000000;


            GPIOB_PDDR    = 0x00000000; /*all Pins of Port B ar Inputs*/



            PORTA_GPCLR = 0xFF000143;/* Pins 3-16 of Port A ar GPIOs*/

            PORTA_GPCLR = 0x00050343;

            PORTA_GPCHR = 0x00000000;


            GPIOA_PDDR    = 0x00000F00; /*Portpins 8-11 of Port A ar outputs*/


            GPIOA_PDOR    = 0x00000000; /*init value*/ 




            /*power mode*/

            dwPwrStatus = enter_vlpr();

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4 Replies

Contributor II

Thanks for your answer.

That is what we also guessed. We alreadey tried the FGPIO option without success. But how can I determine the max. output frequency for IOs exactly? That is quite important for us to determine max. frequency  for communication ?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Customer can consider to use KL05 serial communication modules, SPI, I2C .

If customer want to use GPIO emulate a communication protocol, customer can use assembly language to toggle GPIO pin.

Customer can refer below code to toggle a GPIO pin.

Wish it helps


movs r1,#64
movw r0,#0xf08c     //GPIO toggle register address
movt r0,#0x400f
loop: str r1,[r0,#0]
b loop



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Sorry for the delay reply.

GPIO module is a slow peripheral and it takes multiple clocks to access the GPIO registers. The exact number of clocks depends on the internal state of the GPIO, CPU, and internal bus.

The GPIO toggle signal will not as fast as expected.

There are two groups GPIO registers, one is normal GPIO register with GPIOx_PDOR and etc..; the other onw is Fast GPIO register with FGPIOx_PDOR and etc.

Customer can try to use FGPIOx registers to get a better toggle speed.

Wish it helps.

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I am checking with this thread. I will let you know when I could get some updated info.

Thank you for the patience.


Ma Hui

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