Hello everyone
I have some problems with the I2C Slave driver on the Kinetis 60n512 with MQX.
The main Problem is that I have to detect a repeated START or a STOP signal. This is necessary because I don't know the exact size of a package when the master begins to write the data. Is there a possibility to read out somehow when the master finished with writing? I didn’t find an option in the status register or somewhere else.
Hy Kojto, thanks for your reply!
I will also post the thread in the MQX section, as you said.
But I think the problem has more to do with the Kinetis controller itself and not really with MQX. I found in the datasheet of the K60 no way to detect the end of a message. The only way to detect it somehow would be to poll the BUSY flag in the status register, but if a repeated start signal will be sent this has no effect because the bus is still busy. For my appliance the most interesting way to detect it would be due an interrupt, but I don't think this is possible.