Occasionally, when using a segger to connect to a K64FN1M0VLL12, the segger reports a failure to connect. We tried a number of things. Finally, we connected to the K64 over the EzPort. The Read Status Register reports 0x80 (somehow the flash security bit is set, but bulk erase is not disabled). Following some suggestions on the discussion boards, we tried issuing a Write Erase (status changes to 0x82, which is expected), and then a Bulk Erase. Status changes to 0x83, but the write never completes.
Is there anything else that would prevent a Bulk Erase command from working?
Hello Calvin:
While mass erase is enabled, then a bulk erase should be possible with EzPort.
You seem to have a segger tool, have you tried with J-Link commander (J-Link.exe). The instructions to follow are in the next tutorial by colleague Erich Styger:
Unlocking and Erasing FLASH with Segger J-Link | MCU on Eclipse
Jorge Gonzalez
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Hi Jorge,
We've tried the unlock kinetis procedure Mr. Styger outlined without success. That was one of the first things we tried, which led us to try a bulk erase through the EzPort. Again, we were able to see that the write enable and write disable commands through the EzPort set and unset the appropriate status bit (letting us know that we're talking correctly to the EzPort), but the bulk erase command never completes.
From the chip documentation we've been able to look at, it seems like this should only happen if the BEDIS bit is set in the status register, but (as I mentioned above), this bit remains 0.
Are you suggesting that there's a bug in the EzPort bulk erase?
Hello Calvin,
here is the procedure I took.
1. Download JLink_OpenSDA_V2.bin according to Segger J-Link Firmware for OpenSDAv2 | MCU on Eclipse.
2. Update bootloader by OopenSDA_V2.bin.
3. Change the IDE debugger to J-Link.
4. Execute "Download and Debug" an appropriate program on the IDE.
If you succeed to download, then the flash mass erase had been recovered.
If you don't, I'm sorry, you should search an alternative procedure.
5. Download 0221_k20dx128_k64f_0x5000.bin from Firmware FRDM K64F - Handbook | mbed.
6. Update bootloader by 0221_k20dx128_k64f_0x5000.bin
5. Change (or Get back) the IDE debugger to CMSIS-DAP.
I hope this will help you.
Best regards,
Yasuhiko Koumoto.