I am about to start a project with 3 cap touch buttons. Each button has it's own trace. I really have 2 questions. Do I need to use the NXP touch software to implement simple buttons? It seems to be geared more towards sliders and number pads.
The second question is whether or not that library is compatible with the newer SDK 2.0.
Yes, it is supported by the SDK 2.0. Here is a useful start guide on this regard:https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-329432
Please see the following screenshot. The touch software seems to insist on SDK V 1.2 which I can not even figure out how to obtain anymore. I can only get 2.0 and 1.3. Both of these don't work when I attempt to install the library.
Yes but this guide clearly seems to imply you need the KSDK 1.2. And after attempting to run the installer it seems to be insisting on it. I get the following error.
"The selected KSDK folder doesn't content Freescale KSDK 1.2"