I am interfacing my prototype design between MK64FN1M0VLQ12 and MR2A16ACMA35. Please confirm my connections let me know if I did wrong.
16bit non multiplexed mode:
Data Lines:
FB_AD[31:24] => DQL0 to DQU15.//Please confirm the orientation is correct?
DQL0 connects with DQU15
DQL1 connects with DQU14
DQL2 connects with DQU13
DQL3 connects with DQU12
DQL4 connects with DQU11
DQL5 connects with DQU10
DQL6 connects with DQU9
DQL7 connects with DQU8
Address Lines:
FB_AD[0:17] => A[0:17] //Please confirm the orientation is correct?
Control Signals:
FB_RW_b => ~W
FB_OE_b => ~G
FB_CS0_b => ~E
FB_BE7_0_BLS31_24 => ~LB //Please confirm the connection
FB_BE15_8_BLS23_16 => ~UB //Please confirm the connection
I hope got your reply ASAP. Thanks
Hi, Let me check with new board design how it goes. Thank you.
Hi @fshah30,
The address line orientation and control signals seem fine. I just find the connection of DQL[7:0] to DQU [8:15] confusing. What are you trying to achieve with these connections?
Hi @fshah30.,
Alright, the connections for the MRAM seem good. You can use this as base for the connections with your MK64.