I am attempting to use a TWR-KV58F220M tower board with SDK_2.0_TWR-KV5. I build the freertos_uart example project with no error on IAR 7.60.2. When I attempt “Download and Debug” I always get two and sometimes three errors reported in the Debug Log, all

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I am attempting to use a TWR-KV58F220M tower board with SDK_2.0_TWR-KV5. I build the freertos_uart example project with no error on IAR 7.60.2. When I attempt “Download and Debug” I always get two and sometimes three errors reported in the Debug Log, all

Contributor I

I am attempting to use a TWR-KV58F220M tower board with SDK_2.0_TWR-KV5. I build the freertos_uart example project with no error on IAR 7.60.2. When I attempt “Download and Debug” I always get two and sometimes three errors reported in the Debug Log, all not fatal.  The two I always get are:

Tue Oct 18, 2016 17:33:40: C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 7.6\arm\config\debugger\NXP\KV5x.dmac(29,13): Error: Operation error. 


Tue Oct 18, 2016 17:33:43: C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 7.6\arm\config\debugger\NXP\KV5x.dmac(29,13): Error: Operation error. 

The one I sometimes get is:

Tue Oct 18, 2016 14:33:25: Verification error at 0x10000000: mem =0xFF, file = 0x00.

When I open the memory window in the debugger I see the file value x00  displayed, as I should. So apparently it was the read operation by the debugger when verifying that failed. The value read for the error message varies from incident to incident and it is always location 0x10000000.

When I go to main and run, the program appears to behave as it should.

I build and ran your example code without making any changes to it.  

Why am I seeing this and what do I need to do to correct it?

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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I had tested with KSDK V2.0 freertos_uart demo without found your mentioned issues.

Please check attached file about my test record.

I am using Segger J-Link firmware update the TWR-KV58F220M board OpenSDA firmware(OpenSDA V2.1).

Please check below link to download the Segger J-Link firmware.

SEGGER - The Embedded Experts - OpenSDA / OpenSDA V2 

Wish it helps.

Have a great day,
Ma Hui
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