How to write my own data to the flash of K64 ( above the program)

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How to write my own data to the flash of K64 ( above the program)

Contributor II


Is it possible to write some userdata( my own data) at the end of the flash for later on to read it back?

I tried to do so with the flash driver API and i cannot read back using the ReadResource function.

I tried both k64 flash driver demo  and the bootloader flash driver demo ( they are almost the same, Note that the enum defined there with small and capital letter) 

In both i am getting invalid argument.

1. is it possible to write and read user data to the flash?

2. can someone test and and show a working example?

3.If it is not possible , where can i store user data for my firmware without using sdcard?


1 解決策
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Eli,

Attached is my source file (flash_erase_program_verify.c) that has been edited to test for wheter 0xff000 has been flashed or not.  If not flashed, then code continues as normal.  If 0xff000 has been flashed, then I memcpy to get data from 0xff000 and PRINTF it to terminal.

So on first pass of program where 0xff000 has not been flashed I get following:

Flash Example Start

Flash Information:

 Total Program Flash Size:1024 KB, Hex: (0x100000)

Program Flash Sector Size:4 KB, Hex: (0x1000)

 There is no D-Flash (FlexNVM) on this Device.

There is no Enhanced EEPROM (EEE) on this Device.

Flash is UNSECURE!

Erase a sector of flash

Successfully Erased Sector 0xff000 -> 0x100000

Program a buffer to a sector of flash

 Successfully Programmed and Verified Location 0xff000 -> 0xff010

End of Flash Example

On second pass by pressing the reset button on FRDM-K64F, I get following:

flash_buffer_contents preserved in flash

flash_buffer_contents[0] = 0x0

flash_buffer_contents[1] = 0x1

flash_buffer_contents[2] = 0x2

flash_buffer_contents[3] = 0x3

This matches what is in flash memory 0xff000 when I look at it in the Memory Browsers too.

Hope source helps.  Look for "//DES" to see locations modified.




12 返答(返信)
Contributor II

Hi Mark

I saw the the code is author by you, but i am still very much confused.

You send me a code that does not seems to be compatible with kinetis SDK 2.0 and the flash driver.

let me please ask the following:

can you do a write of user data to the flash using flash driver API in the kinetis 2.0  and read it back?

The example used FLASh_Program function , which i assume it write a buffer , but i cannot read it back.

We need to store our own data after the program code and the software need to read it when it start.

0 件の賞賛
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Eli,

Have you tried running the KSDK_v2 for FRDM-K64F Freedom board flash programming example at following path?


When I run it, the terminal output is as follows:

Flash Example Start

Flash Information:
Total Program Flash Size:1024 KB, Hex: (0x100000)
Program Flash Sector Size:4 KB, Hex: (0x1000)
There is no D-Flash (FlexNVM) on this Device.
There is no Enhanced EEPROM (EEE) on this Device.
Flash is UNSECURE!

Erase a sector of flash
Successfully Erased Sector 0xff000 -> 0x100000

Program a buffer to a sector of flash
Successfully Programmed and Verified Location 0xff000 -> 0xff010

End of Flash Example

After erasing the flash the Memory Browser showed the 0xff000 flash location to be erased:


After FLASH_program Memory Browser showed:


The data set size was 16 bytes.

Note the minimum size data set to write/program to flash is 8-bytes.



Contributor II

Hi David,

yes , i just run this exact example.

But lets continue:

I want to read back the value.

So i just did memcpy , ( before i reset the board)

and i do see that i can read using direct access to the flash.

as i understood, i dont need special function to read from the flash because it is already mapped.

BUT here is a problem.

When i reset the device ( just press the reset , or using putty doing a break command) without reprogramming the flash again ( i am using mbed drag and drop)

When the program is starting again and i am doing the read operation only ( because i though the data will be persistance)

The value i am reading is garbage and not the one the example wrote before.

Can you please explain why?

How do i read the data and make sure it stay there afer reset?


0 件の賞賛
Specialist V


Data that has been programmed to flash will not be lost after a reset.

Make sure that your code is not (by mistake) re-writing to the Flash the next time that it runs (without first erasing it) since a second write to a phrase, without first erasing the sector that is in, is an invalid operation that can damage the flash and cause it to behave strangely (often causing hard-faults to occur when the corrupted area is read, where debuggers will tend to display the content as "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ").



0 件の賞賛
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Eli,

Attached is my source file (flash_erase_program_verify.c) that has been edited to test for wheter 0xff000 has been flashed or not.  If not flashed, then code continues as normal.  If 0xff000 has been flashed, then I memcpy to get data from 0xff000 and PRINTF it to terminal.

So on first pass of program where 0xff000 has not been flashed I get following:

Flash Example Start

Flash Information:

 Total Program Flash Size:1024 KB, Hex: (0x100000)

Program Flash Sector Size:4 KB, Hex: (0x1000)

 There is no D-Flash (FlexNVM) on this Device.

There is no Enhanced EEPROM (EEE) on this Device.

Flash is UNSECURE!

Erase a sector of flash

Successfully Erased Sector 0xff000 -> 0x100000

Program a buffer to a sector of flash

 Successfully Programmed and Verified Location 0xff000 -> 0xff010

End of Flash Example

On second pass by pressing the reset button on FRDM-K64F, I get following:

flash_buffer_contents preserved in flash

flash_buffer_contents[0] = 0x0

flash_buffer_contents[1] = 0x1

flash_buffer_contents[2] = 0x2

flash_buffer_contents[3] = 0x3

This matches what is in flash memory 0xff000 when I look at it in the Memory Browsers too.

Hope source helps.  Look for "//DES" to see locations modified.



Contributor II

Hi David, 

Thanks you so much , it is working for me also now.

I have a continues question.

Please tell me if i need to open a new thread or here it is ok.

I am using MBED ( disk drive D) to drag and drop binary file to burn(flash) the program i am writing.

every time i will do that , all the flash will be erase , including my personal data that we just wrote there.

How can i tell , if possible , to KDS not to overwrite sections in flash?

Or should it be only when using bootloader?

I assume i need to do something in the linker file, or?

If you dont understand my question please let me know.



0 件の賞賛
Specialist V


There are several mbed versions and newer ones only delete the blocks required by the new program. The version from Rev. 220 should stop your parameters being erased each time -you can get it from

If not, you can use a boot loader to take over the function of the mbed drag-and-drop loader - available at


Kinetis for professionals:

0 件の賞賛
Contributor II

Thanks for your quick reply.

I am not think i am going to use the uTasker and its relevent system file.

i am using the Kinetis SDK and everything that NXP provide because this is how i started my project.

Thanks and sorry :smileyhappy:


0 件の賞賛
Specialist V


I gave a link to the mdeb web site, which should solve your drag-and-drop problem. [I did try attaching the file for you but it looks like file attachment is broken since it says a 40k file is TOO LARGE....]

The second link is just in case it doesn't solve your problem and can be used with any SW - not just uTasker.


Kinetis for professionals:

P.S. If you had started with uTasker you may have finished the project by now :smileylaugh:

Contributor II

Hi Mark,

Thank you so  much it is working with MBed now 

(for people that need to replace your file , just push the reset button and plug in the USB , the MBED will start as bootloader) and then it possible to replace the 220 version )

i did not heard before about uTasker , next project i will get to know with it.

Thanks for your quick replay.


0 件の賞賛
Specialist V

Hi Eli

The code that I referenced to is a higher performance solution than the SDK (works with 9 IDEs, is Kinetis part independent, with many additional functions, including simulation), and so doesn't use the SDK components. It is a complete. industrially proven solution rather than just examples that you need to piece together for your final operation.

If you need to use SDK I can't help more that to say that it
- does include the functions that you need to write to Flash
- you can read back probably using function but it is simpler to just do memcpy(buffer, FlashAddress, size) since program Flash is memory-mapped
- there are many people who use such flash writing with SDK so it should basically be no big problem
- search the forum (also the SDK forum at )  for similar topics where potential problems with use of the SDK APIs are discussed and solutions given.



0 件の賞賛
Specialist V


Write/read of non-used-program flash is possible (8 byte phrase writes required on the K64).

See the following, which has a binary for the FRDM-K64F that allows you to do this at any location (with description/example): 

For various K64 boards see:
where full code is available as well as a Kinetis simulator that allows the operation to be tested and analysed.


Kinetis for professionals:

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