I just downloaded new bootloader Firmware to my FRDM-KW40Z board and the board now appears dead, it did flash LEDs before I copied the new firmware.
The Firmware I donloaded was k20dx128_frdm_kw40z_cmsis-dap.bin from http://cache.nxp.com/files/32bit/software/k20dx128_frdm_kw40z_cmsis-dap.bin
How can I recover my board?
Hi Rajneesh Sinha,
The k20dx128_frdm_kw40z_cmsis-dap.bin binary file that you downloaded to the FRDM-KW40Z K20 MCU is the OpenSDA bootloader. You also need an OpenSDA application on the K20 MCU in order to debug and download code to the KW40Z. Please follow the instructions on Download – OpenSDA Bootloader and Application to program the OpenSDA application.
Let me know if you were able to recover your board.